Just Marry My Daughter.

Grey walking infront of me and put both of his hands on my shoulder. His hands are heavy and cold. So this is that hands of an hard working farmer huh?.

Grey looked at me with his cold-dead eyes and grab tight on my shoulders.

" Just marry Fey and we are good to go ". Grey said with seriousness in his tone.

The room is dead quiet and only I can hear is the sound of buzzing mosquitos flying around the room. as I turn my head to see Fey, She and her mother fade away from the air.

" What do you mean by good to go grey?". I asked like I don't know the answer but, I have a clear idea why.

" You have a lot of money in you and there's no way that you are a lowly commoners like us, who in the world would carry a big amount of money in a deadly street of the kingdom?. Yeah no one, except you are a strong person who's confident about your Magic ". Grey stated with a smile on his face.

Just How did he get all those informations?!, Did I said it earlier?, no no no I didn't say a word about my magic nor my status, right?.

" Sorry to look into you that much Marco-kun, But This is my ability. Detect Ability ".