Which Is Why. The Smile

I didn't speak for seconds. Maybe because I was hoping she'll come back to take the stick from my hand and give me a smile, even if it was a fake one. But the truth is, I want her to come back.

I turn my head and looked at Fey who is looking at the street.

" It's nothing haha, Let's go we are going to do a ton of work today ". I said to Fey.

Fey looked at me and put her hand of my head. She move her hand gently as she touches my hair, she stares at it and gave a bright smile.

What is she doing?, Is there something on my head?, well I didn't bathe yesterday night so maybe there's something.

" Let's make this plan of yours work, Ok?!". Fey said with a happy tone.

Touching my hair and smiling at me, I don't know what you're trying to do but, thanks for making me feel somehow. alive.

* Marco and Fey began to walk back home and meet Grey Dillion and her lovely wife Serna Dillion.

After some time walking and chatting with Fey, we finally arrived their deadly house. We entered the house with no hesitation at all, as I push the wooden door, The first thing I saw was Grey who's hugging Serna behind.