
What is this pig saying?, is he threatening me?. For someone reason I feel really pissed off just by staring at his chubby face and what's about that smell?.

" You smell like a roast potatoes ". I stated with a stern face.

* The noble looked at Marco with shocked like this is the first time he heard those rude words saying to him.

* The noble the grabbed thigh to Marco's blazer and the noble himself swing his right hand on the face of Marco; slapping him with his noble hand.

* Marco then grow silent and the noble looked at Marco with a prideful smile of his.

" That's why you peasants are lower than I am!, you are just pawns and nothing more!, you!, all you in this kingdom are useless to mine!". Barbboza then stated.

I think this is the first time that someone has been super rude to me, this guy even slapped me in the face. and not to mention we are in public, this feels kinda embarrassing and it's making me angry.

* Marco then grab the left hand of Barbboza that's holding the lapel on his blazer.

" Even pawn can be powerful, they just have to work hard and reach their goal!".

Marco shouted infront of the Noble as the wind surrounding him change it's course of movement.