Rollercoaster Feelings

Marco then walk towards her and put the glass of water the wooden table.

* Zule stared at the glass with a smile but melancholy looking eyes. Marco has a full view of her feelings but he can't say a word or two.

I don't know her story but, I feel that she's a mature person and she can overcome this situation she's in.

" So what are you planning to do? " Zule asked.

* Marco then pull the chair out the wooden table and he sat on it while he crosses his arms.

" I don't have any plan right now, but it's not a good move to just walk towards those deadly gates unprepared ". I stated.

Zule then nodded as her answer, fortunately she understood what I'm trying to say.

" You have no plan and you tried to stop me from saving my family in danger, you're such a weird person Sir. Marco ".

* Zule put her right hand on her right cheek as she gives Marco a soothing smile of hers. Marco then clenched his fist because suddenly occurred to him.

I really need a maid like Zule.

" Don't call me weird!, I'm just trying to help a person who needs it, I just can't leave you alone after you said those words ".

I just can't.