Union Is God

But what Union is saying right now is a big spoiler, If my life was an anime the watchers will be certainly pissed because of you.

< hehe>

" Don't be so relax, You can also die in this reality Marco ". Union said with a smile on her face.

Death is inevitable that's for sure. Well I didn't born as an immortal person so that's that. But before that I need something to do.

" You have free 2 hours of time until Zule's arrived at the magic shop ". Union said.

When she said that I can't help but wondered if she's watching me in that timeline.

She's so powerful and yet I don't feel anything when I'm around her, I don't feel excited nor happy because she's my guide that's nearly a God.

" If I may ask, how many day have I been gone?".

Union stood up from the bed and pat her yellow dress; and then she looked at me.

" Not days. Just 2 hours, I thought you'll be back by 30 seconds but you did some unnecessary things ". Union then stated.

I might take that word back; This little girl right here standing infront of me is indeed a God.

" You really are impressive as always huh?, Well, I'll go to the school and greet everyone else ". I stated.