Easy Lift

" Come on no need to push yourself. Let me help you ".

* Marco offered his help and Yashio didn't insisted on his offer. Marco then walk towards Yashio and put both of his hands on the bottom of the wooden box.

It's was cold to the touch so Marco realized that inside this box is the Meat.

Marco then lift the heavy box up and suddenly he easily lift it above his head.

" Wait it's really light ".

Yashio looked at Marco with his mouth about to hit the ground, he was shocked when he saw Marco lift the box. There's no shaking on his hands however or an reaction on his face.

" Woah!, so that's the power of leader huh?". Sakura stated with an intrigued tone.

Marco walk inside the room and put the box on the side on the luxurious room.

" Don't just stand there, let's get this party started!".

* Marco stated with a smile. The other heavy boxes were successfully entered the luxurious room without a problem.

But as for Yashio...

" What a being you are, Leader. He lift that box without braking a sweat. I trained every single day, that my body was a hard as steel and yet. What was that?. I just can't believe that a monster like you existed in this world haha ".