What Grey Wants

And so Marco asked for the reason why Grey give 50% to him. Marco's mind is quite confused and filled with worries because of Grey just said.

" I mean, you are the one who really plan all of this we've experienced so much luxury for the past 8 years, It's was nice and all but, I really want to see other places ".

Grey stated with a smile on his face.

" Do you mean you want to travel to a another country?". I asked.

Grey nodded as his answer. I looked at Serna and by the stern look on her face; she knows this plan of Grey.

" I don't know what to say, it's just that, all you're giving me is a lot of work, I'm grateful and all but it's kinda overwhelming if you ask me haha ".

* Marco stated while he scratches his head.

" You can do it for sure and who in the world would not accept such big pile of money, right?". Grey started to laugh of nowhere.

Well I can't argue with him, With those money I can buy my own house by the beach and watch the beautiful sunset every single day. But.

" Does that mean all of you are going to be gone?". I asked.

Grey Walk towards me and put his arm around my shoulders.

" Just the three of us, Fey is staying in this country for the business and fortunately for you. You two are going to be business partners ". He said.