Man To Man Talk

" This kind of sight is really calming ".

Union stated while she look outside the open window; her expression is calm and still. Her soft little right hand is still on top of mine while she embrace the view outside.

" It really is ". I respond.

Gino pull out a bottle filled with thick looking water inside his pocket, He then twisted it from his right and dip his pointing and middle finger at the same time.

" What is that? ". I asked

" This?, It's a liquid for my burned skin, a healing treatment perhaps ".

Is that so?. Then it's a moisturizing liquid then, and having that transparent look; it must be from a aloe vera plant. But even so-

" You know, Uhmm ".

Marco scratches his head while he looks right outside the window.

" I might have overdid it. The hell's fire, I'm kinda, S-sorry for that thing, making you look like a coal ".

Marco stated with a stuttering tone, He then put his pointing finger on top of his lips; scratching it out of nervousness.

" No need to blush haha, It's a fair fight after all. This is my punishment for being blind to the truth, it really hurt at first but I can still manage ". Gino stated with a smirk on his face.

This man really is amazing, he completely understand what am I trying to say.

" but I'm not blushing you coalman bastard".