How To Restore The Broken

" But my majesty! "

< Hah >

Denki signed as he put his right hand on his forehead; looking at Arthur with disappointment.

" Speak no more!, all of you!, put those knives away from our beloved guest or you will face consequences ".

Denki stated with wrath on his tone.

* The magic knights surrounding Marco put their knives away from him as they walk towards the carriages outside the castle.

Arthur was still there standing infront of Marco with an angry expression written on his face.

Marco then bend his knees and picked up the knife he broke earlier. It wasn't shattered or anything but it split Into two parts.

This knife is quite strong, it didn't shattered from my flick earlier, even though I put some power into it, but looking at this maybe I can restore it.

" Demon Magic: Hell's fire. 1% ".

Marco's pointing finger on his right hand produced a little dark crimson fire on it's tip. It was sturdy and not moving from side to side.

Marco slowly swipe his pointing finger to the middle part of the sword where the broken part is at.

The knife then immediately began to change color to a hot red; he then put the two together like it was some building blocks.

He then handed it to Arthur who has a face filled with confusion and questions.

" Don't point that thing again to a good person ok?". I stated.