Last Night To See The Stars

" Violet?!, Wake up! God damnit wake up! ".

* Lios is shaking Violet while he holds tight to her shoulders.

You can't die yet, you're still young to die like this.

" Come on haha, don't play pranks on me now, this isn't the time to do such things, open your eyes and look at me. Look at me!".

Lios shouted with a smile on his face; but even though the Wrath and Agony was there.

" Vice Captain Lios, Captain Violet is gone, we can't do anything more about her situation, we're truly sorry ".

The woman who's standing next to Lios that's wearing a green blazer stated with a serious tone.

" Don't say that ".

Of course I know that she's gone, but, but!.

" This is fucked up!". Lios shouted.

The atmosphere was dead in silence. All of the magic knights who's standing in the green field was looking at the ground with tearing agony.

Lios faced downwards and was ghost-quiet. He didn't speak a word nor make a move, He was there to hold her shoulders until the last time she see the stars in the sky.

" Lios, Why in the hell are you all so quite?, Those Demonic Lizardman are all causing trouble inside the kingdom ". Someone suddenly stated with a abnormally deep voice.

Lios turn around where the voice was coming from and-

Dark Horns, Smoke-like wings and dark green eyes. A Demon holding a dark bladed sword was standing next to Lios.