
The Woman took a two steps forward and raise her right hand on the hair; facing the sky with her fair palm and immediately a large magic circle appeared above her palm.

It has a dark color and it's rotating counterclockwise. There was no words written on the sides of it. There where signs and symbols are on each sides that's completely different from a usual magic circle.

a Cross, a Sheep, the moon and a wide open eye. Those are the symbols that's around the magic circle.

She put her left hand on her waist while she look towards south-east.

" O great demon of pride. Hear my call; I beseech you and envy your immense powers, give me the outmost pleasure to bring deadly daggers to this mere world ".

She closed her eyes and two more magic circle appeared above.

" Lucifer ".

Her whole right arm was engulfed by darkness, and her forehead grown two dark pointy horns that similar to Marco's.

She open her eyes and she has blood color eyes.

" Demon Magic: Rain Of Daggers ".

{ A crimson cloud suddenly appeared above the army of demonic lizardmen; who's pause in time, the gigantic cloud was far larger than the king's castle }

* The Woman slowly put her right hand down and grab Marco's blade from his grip. She then flick her hand and the atmosphere suddenly gain color again.

" Drop ".

The Crimson Cloud then released countless amount of dark colored blades; killing all the demonic Lizardmen traveling towards the Larion Kingdom.