The Girl Inside The House Of The Lord

" Make sure to save your little sister haha ". The Little Girl stated with a giggle.

Yashio looked behind her where the little girl was standing but for some reason she was not there. There's no trace of her leaving nor sound that she took a step.

" No need to question that. I will save her, even if I risk I own life ". Yashio stated to himself.

Yashio ran towards the church where he thinks his little sister is at. He then stopped at the wooden entrance door and kicked it open because of the hurry.

< Ahh! >

a girl scream suddenly filled the church. Yashio looked at the girl and she's wearing a white nun's veil. She looked at Yashio with question and fear.

" Are you Genie?!". Yashio asked.

The girl took a step backwards and nodded her head as her answer. Yashio then put his right palm on his eyes to cover his expression.

" I'm glad you're safe, I'm so glad ". He stated.

" Excuse me but who are you?, the kingdom is falling in the hands of demons, you better run or your blood will spill in the scared house of the Lord ". Genie stated.

Yashio walk closer to her and immediately hugged her.

< Ah > Genie was took by surprised.

" Your big brother missed you so much ". Yashio said.