

Wait wait, You're kidding right?!. This woman right here is one of the prince of hell?.

But something really is bothering me with what she said just now.

" Are you a cross dresser?, you did call yourself ' Prince ' earlier, right? ".

I asked with respectful tone.

Beelzebub took both of her hand off on her dress, she then lift her head up and stares at me with a sadistic look of disapproval.

" Who do you think you are?, do you want to be my dinner?".

Wait so I'm right after all?.

" Huh?. No!, You Idiot!, I'm a woman!, Don't you see my figure and chest?!, are you blind?! ".

Beelzebub shouted with embarrassment painted all over her face.

" You're quite right there, but It doesn't matter if your a man or a woman, Just tell me- ".

" It doesn't matter?, Yeah, Beelzebub you're feminine charms are really trash, even a mortal like him can't tell if you're a man or a woman ".

{ Beelzebub is on the corner of the room seating on a tuck position facing the wall with depressed emotion }

" wait no, I'm sorry for that, I didn't mean that- "

" No it's fine, You're right, even the 6 of them make fun of me because I'm a woman, Is it really bad to be a woman?!".

Damn, she's really depressed, I didn't anticipate that the demon of gluttony will be this.... Cute.