The Sacred Relationship Between Siblings

Meanwhile in Grace Kingdom:

-- A hour have passed --

Yashio and Genie is completely healed from what happened thanks to the nuns who uses healing magic.

Yashio is seating on a stone steps right outside the church, he's currently waiting for his little sister while he look around the burned houses and destroyed buildings.

" This is quite dreadful ". Yashio stated to himself.

The church entrance door then open and Yashio turn around to see if that's her little sister who just exited the building.

" Look at this Mr! My right ankle is completely healed up! ". Genie stated with a smile on her face.

" I'm your brother and you're still calling me Mr. ". Yashio stated while he stares at Genies eyes.

Genie took a step back and avoided eye contact.

" haha- I-It's a bit sudden when you came to rescue me, S-so I'm not really used to call someone b-bigh bruther!".

Genie stutterly stated, her face is red and she can't calm down because of the little movements she do, she's somehow feels excited for some reason.

" Not like I'm forcing you to call me that, but it would be really nice to be called by that ". Yashio stated while she stares at Genie with a stern face.

Genie fan herself on the neck using her right hand, she's sweating and she looks tired.

Yashio stood up from the stone steps and walked towards Genie.

" Before we go, you need to wear lighter clothes ". Yashio stated.