Hell. I Choose It!

" I-I don't know where he is ".

He stated while he avoids eye to eye contact. Haru then immediately figured that this man is lying. And so she draw her sword from it's scabbard and pointed the tip of it onto his neck.

" Say, Will money matter when you're in hell?". Haru questioned.

The man with golden earrings then got startled by Haru's question, he clenched his teeth and spit at Haru's face.

" Hell it is!".

Haru died In silence as she wipes the disgusting spit on her pale white face. She closed her eyes and sighed as she sat on her hunches. The trainees took a step back against the wall and covered their eyes with their palms.

Haru then stood up and put her right hand on the man's head.

" You could've had a great life with your wife and kids, but you chosen a path straight to your own death; and I can't just forgive you for your disrespectful actions ". Haru stated with pity in her eyes.

{ I'll make it faster for you }

" Mud Magic: Disintegrated ".

The man turned into dust in a instant. It then vanished immediately because of the slightly blow of the wind.

{ Taking someone's life isn't easy after all, but this is the path I've chosen so, I need to take responsibility for it } Haru thought.