Why So Playful?

" Why push yourself?! You could've stay on the ground ". Alisa asked.

Haru closed her eyes and hold tight on Alisa's left shoulder.

" H-He would stand up ". Haru stutterly whispered.

{ " He? ". Who is she talking about? Is this guy the reason why she stood up even though she's completely beat up? } Alisa asked herself.

Haru's grip quickly fade from Alisa's shoulder and grow unconscious because of the exhaustion.

" I've might have pushed them a little bit further ".

Alisa stated to herself, She then stood up and exited the room without saying a word to them.

It's just that, Alisa felt bad to see that Haru was badly hurt by her playful actions. Seeing someone getting hurt by your own words and orders feels; painful.

" Yashio might've completely saw what I really am yesterday, just a irresponsible kid ".

Alisa ran through the hallway avoiding all the magic knights on the way and entered a guest room as she dump her face on the soft spacious bed.

" I have to apologise to her, I don't want anyone of them to hate me or anything. I just want to be as serious as possible so they won't treat me like a kid ".

Alisa stated while she slams both of her arms on the bed.

{ Because of this dwarf blood in me. my life is so little }