Luke Vs Union

" Book Of Union: All Knowing! ".


* Name: Luke Gainer

Race Classification: Demon Ogre

Magic type: Dark Rock Magic.

{ Luke's race is a man eating beast which has a power equivalent to 10 adult men, and because of a certain deconstruction, Luke's genes and race evolved to a higher tier of race because of a unknown bestowment }

" Dark Rock magic?, what's that?, A new type of magic perhaps? ". Union asked herself.

Luke then sat on the ground and lay his hands on top of it.

" Dark Rock Magic: Guardians Coliseum! ".

The ground suddenly shake and Union didn't even lose a single balance and so as the other demons who has a smile in their faces.

{ He's starting things with his most powerful magic huh?, what a merciless man you are Luke } Follon thought.

" After this let's hurry to Larion and finish the work already ok? ". Carla said.

The ground then sprouted and dark colored walls that surrounds Union and Luke. It was thick and high at the same time.

And Union then kneeled on the ground as she feels her legs slowly getting numb.

" What's this?". Union asked herself.

" This walls absorbes life and magic at the same time, it's a bother to explain further but don't worry you'll die immediately hahaha!". Luke stated with a madman-like laugh of his.

< Hmm > Union murmured.

" Book Of Union: Clarify ".

The walls suddenly collapsed to the ground.