How To Ruin The Love Story

The feeling of hesitation is vanishing, the urges to kiss is all they can think of now.


Haru then move her head closer to Marco and slightly open her mouth and closed her eyes.

Marco then follow her lead and-

" Yeah, you two really need to have some clearing to do first ".

Marco and Haru opened their eyes and the first they saw was a little hand right infront of thier eyes.

" Nice save ". and that hand belong to Union who has a smug face.

Haru and Marco's lips didn't touched, all they felt was a soft knuckle.

* And then they realized....

Marco took a step forward and jumped back at his bed, Haru then stride towards the window and looked outside to hide her embarrassed face.

" I see what's happening here, I'm sorry for interrupting you two love birds hehe ". Union stated.

Marco grabbed a pillow and throw it on Union's face and it landed perfectly on her pearl-white skin.

" Sorry sorry, I didn't want to ruin the moment but you two need to know this immediately ". Union's tone immediately change in an instant and looked at Marco's eyes.

" Haru, Marco. The Demon King of the Demon Kingdom of the south is heading this way with his large army ". Union stated.