Fondness In Tokyo

What is this feeling? Is it fulfilment? I'm happy and I know that for sure but, there's something more to it that I cannot yet see with my own eyes.

{ But even if I don't understand nor even know the answer to all my questions; I'm just glad that I took a step towards a new bright path }


The buildings that's surrounds them are standing tall and also they fill the city with life and magic.

" Staring at the top makes my neck hurts ". Marco stated to himself.


Chatter, Laughter and also the sound of slam of every single shoes that steps on a stone plated flat form; I can hear it all.

{ This feels so weird, I feel like I can see the world in a slow motion }

" Your smile, It's beautiful as this city ".


Marco suddenly stated. Tamaki then closed her mouth and stopped from laughing; and it then got replaced by a cleansing smile.

" Let's go, let's leave this fake world together ".

Tamaki stated while she lifted her right hand towards Marco.

Marco then looked at her hand and the pearl-like skin of hers shines like the full moon in the sky. He then, lifted his head and looked at Tamaki with a smile.


Joy, Hope and also Fondness; We're here living this possible fake world and making our own idiotic decisions.

" Now, We're going to live our lives as it written down on our hearts ". Marco mumbled to himself.