How To Kill A God?

Lorcel put her right hand Infront of her and closed it.

" Shared Magic. Advance Tier: Delete! ".

Toriwake's Middle section disappeared suddenly, her body was cut into two and it collapsed immediately on the ground; painting it blood red.

" Book of Union: Advance Fire Tier Magic: Scorching Hell! ".

The ground shook and so the ground around Toriwake collapse and her body dropped on a scoring hell below her.

There's no scream of pain nor any sound to hear, the only thing that they can sense is the smell corpse getting burned from a lava pit.


" Insolence ".

Lorcel and Union's legs turn into noodles at the point they can't move their lower half.

" What's this?! ". Lorcel stated with confusion.

" Damn, I can't move ". Union said with anger.


" Above All Magic: A New Life ".

Toriwake's burnt body sprouted from the pits of hell and glow in a white color.

" She's recovering again ". Lorcel stated.

{ We need to find her weakness, or this will never end, this might sound ridiculous but we have to stop the one who created us and this world } Union thought.

{ This seems near impossible but I have to think of a way the stop her or even delete her own existence, but the question is. Will this world vanish too? } Union asked herself.


" Do you have any idea how Marco is currently doing right now? ".

Toriwake stated while her body si slowly regenerating.

Union and Lorcel looked at her immediately as soon as they heard Marco's name.