Love Can't Be Separated

" Marco have survived such hardship for the past year, he have experienced the worst of the worst, and now he's right here unconsciously sleeping ". Captain Violet stated with a stern face.

Yashio slightly moved towards Alisa while she looks at her with a smile; Alisa is moving away from him but her face is staring to heat up and blush.


* All of them are staring at the two and some of Haru's classmates are burning in jealousy.

Captain Violet turned around and pushed Alisa towards Yashio.

The push has some force in it and Alisa completely lose her balance. But Yashio ran towards Alisa and catches her with both of his hands.

{ What a scene of public displacement Of affection } All of them thought.

" Alisa, Yashio, could you two both exit the room as soon as possible? maybe having time for yourselves and your.... Relationship. is more important ". Violet stated with a daggering smile.


Both of them then exited the room and have time for each other.

< hah... > All of them sighed expect for Haru and those who have some romantic relationship.

" As I was saying, Marco is a tough cookie and with the experience he got and worked on, something like this cannot stop him ". Violet stated with a smile that's filled with confidence.

{ But the Truth is, I don't really know what will happen } Violet thought.