Ains Said With Emotions

Ains gathered some strength and stood up from the wooden floor; she then looked at Haru.

" Just think of it as a positively, if there was a chance for you to show your powers, that also means that the situation you are all in is a dangerous one ". Ains stated with a stern face.

And she then walked towards Marco and sat down on his bed; right beside his left arm.

Ains then put reach out her right hand and gently lay her hand down on Marco left cheek; she moved her hand slowly and feels the warm skin of Marco.

" I don't want to see you all being hurt too like Marco ". Ains stated.


The room then died in silence, because that moment and atmosphere was completely different from earlier.

* Ains looked at Marco's eyes with a soothing smile on pearl-white face.

There's no words to describe what they just heard from Ains, because that was the first time she spoke such words with her emotions put into it.

* Ains is speaking with her heart now.

Haru clenched her right hand and put that hand to her heart.

{ I've noticed this early on, but I didn't want to admit it for myself, That you Ains. Also loves him } Haru stated to herself while she stares at the wooden floor.