Inlove But Still Incomplete

Tamaki dropped her chopsticks and immediately stood up from her seat, she then stared at Marco and points at his face.

" D-does that mean your agreeing to go out w-with me?! ". Tamaki asked.

Marco lifted his head and looked at Tamaki with a smile.

" Yes ".

Tamaki's pearl white face lit up in redish color and she jumps because of joy.

" Haha you're blushing too much Tamaki and don't be so loud, shhh ". Marco stated with a giggle.


Tamaki stride towards Marco and jumped on him; she then gave Marco a warm tight hug.

" Thanks Marco for giving me a chance, I promise you I would love you with all of my heart, I promise you! ".

Tamaki's eyes then slowly getting swollen and her tear drops on the tatami mattress. She's crying and yet she's feeling the soothing feeling of happiness.

{ Mhmm, I might fall I love with her } Marco thought.

He then gently pushed Tamaki and Marco gathered some strength to his abdominal and sat back up.

" Come on shu shu, finish your meal first and we can do the things you like ". Marco stated with a smile.

{ I'm dating this girl now, This is the right track I should follow, right? I feel happy, but why do I feel incomplete? }


Meanwhile In Larion:

{ What is this feeling of uneasiness? it's so random, I hate it } Haru stated with a concerned expression.


" Haru! Listen to me. You're bringing back Marco, you're the only one who can do this ".

Union and Haru are currently alone inside Marco's room.

* And the atmosphere around them is seriously heavier than the fight against the demon king of the south kingdom