The One Who'll Do The Saving

" So what you're saying is I have to enter Marco's mind, right? ". Haru stated.

" That's the plan, destroying that world from inside and out is pretty easy for you to be honest, with that magic you have now you could even do world class magic, Lorcel really did invested in you ". Union said with a giggle.

" Thanks to her magic she shared I could do borrow her own magic and abilities ". Haru responded.


" But the hard part is to kill that parasite, I could feel it from here; It's eating Marco's memories from this world and erasing all of them permanently ".

Union stated with a stern look, Haru then walked towards Marco and sat on her hunches as she stares at his face.

" Let's do it, I have no idea what's going to happen but, I'll make sure to save Marco and smack the hell out of that parasite ". Haru stated with a smile.

Union then looked at her with a quite a shock.

" Just a year ago, you're this helpless dirty girl that doesn't have anything.... Haru you've grown up a lot ". Union said.


" But let's do, there's no more time for us to speak, I'll connect you with my consciousness and with that you and I could talk to each other, anyways let's do this! ". Union stated with a smile.

{ Marco I'll save you this time } Haru stated to herself.