Full Dive Into A Semi Fake World

The air smells heavy and the street she's laying at is filled with random suited people.

Haru looked towards the woman and she's wearing a rather plain looking clothes and there's a transparent bag on her right wrist.

Haru stood up on her own and her knees feels like noddles; wiggles as she stands.

" Are you ok? ". The asked.

* Currently Haru cannot understand any single word the woman just said. The words feels difficult and twisted, all she can hear is the fast paced calling.

" Haru? You can hear me right?. Just don't move a single finger, just listen to me, you're currently inside the world that Toriwake planted inside Marco's head ".

{ I feel dizzy and sick Union, I might puke agh }

" Miss? ". The woman once again called.

{ This woman Infront of me, she looks real }

" Toriwake is basically a God so she can do anything she wishes, even creating her own world and reality- ".

" - But you have to know that all of this are just fake until Marco accepts this world ".

{ What will happened if Marco accepts this world fully and I'm still here }


Union suddenly died out in silence as Haru wait for her response.

" Ok, When that world turn into a real reality, anything that's foreign in that world will be eliminated, that also means you're going to die Haru, there's no resurrection ". Union stated.


{ Is that's so? Then we just have to hurry huh? }

Haru thought with a smile filled with confidence