Fake Is Reality

" Ihh Shut up!! This isn't the time for that ".

{ Hahaha you're so fun to tease, well you're right about that perhaps, I'll work on it now, it will probably take a second or two, so wait and just stand there } Union stated.

Haru looked around the place she's currently standing and saw a shop with transparent glass outside.

The shop then Got Haru attention; and she then entered without hesitation because all she thinks is this world is a fake one.

As she enters the shop, a woman then approached her with a smile on her face.

" Good morning madam, are you perhaps looking for a lovely summer dress? ". She assumedly said.

* Haru cannot understand any word she just said, in Union's knowledge she's speaking japanese, the previous language Marco is using.

So Union just then connect Haru on Marco's mind; where she can transfer the knowledge in speaking japanese.

And bit by bit Haru is starting to understand the word that the woman is saying.

" So? Do you want to try it? I think it will suit you madam ". The woman asked with a smile on her face.


* After some time inside the clothing shop, Haru exited the building wearing a fitted while colored summer dress, and chunky looking sun glasses with elegant design on each sides.

Men walking pass her slows their pace to see such a goddess with pearl white skin.