Essence Talent (II)

The following day came, and Cynthia walked into the boy's room, only to be amused by the sight she witnessed. Half of Apollo's body hung off the bed while Aaron snored with his body sprawled across the bed.

"Boys~," Cynthia's velvety voice rang out as she tapped on both their legs and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Ah! Ruination Boundary—" Apollo jumped out of his sleep when Cynthia touched him while Aaron turned on his side.

"Apples and bananas," Aaron muttered in a groggy, almost hoarse tone.

"What in the world— Just what kind of dreams are these boys having?" Cynthia stared at the two young boys in confusion. 

While she was familiar with the Ruination Boundary because it was a term listed in the book she made them read, Cynthia couldn't understand why Aaron mentioned fruits.

Apollo rubbed his eyes while Cynthia instructed him to wash his face. In the meantime, she continued trying to wake Aaron, which only happened a few minutes later.

As he washed his face, Apollo stared at his features in the mirror. His childish yet clear silvery eyes were embraced by the impish pudge of a small child. A few wet hairs curled before his face, creating an adorable scene.

However, Apollo was taken aback by how identical his features were. 'What the… If not for the extra set of memories in my mind, I would have thought I was in my original body!'

After washing his face, Apollo freshened up and changed into a pair of training robes Cynthia had prepared for him. Although Aaron was half a head taller than Apollo, most of his clothes fit perfectly.

"Unlike before, we'll be visiting the Family Altar this morning. We have to use a special device to test for Essence Talent. Eat a small breakfast because today's training should be more intense than yesterday."

Roughly an hour later, Cynthia guided Apollo and Aaron past the main training area. They walked through the acres of land until they reached an enormous temple-style building with a stone paved walkway.

Similar to Cynthia, a few other elders could be seen guiding the children to this location.

Less than 30 minutes later, all of the children arrived.

An elderly man with a shiny bald head walked out from the temple's entrance.

"We pay our respects to Grand Elder Kayn." Everyone bowed and voiced their respect in unison. Apollo looked around in confusion but quickly followed the custom.

However, this delay didn't escape the piercing black eyes of this man that contrasted with his elderly appearance. "Rise, young ones, and come in. Let us test this generation of Kaisers for any hidden gems."

The old man, Grand Elder Kayn, clasped his hands behind his back before strolling through the entrance. The others quickly followed, leaving the kids astonished by the scenery inside.

Numerous stone pillars etched with breathtaking patterns connected at the top form an opened circle around a single staircase that led up to a large stele. 

The markings on this stele were similar to the pillars but more defined and radiated a profound presence. 

"We will assess the children one by one and distribute the correct resources accordingly," Grand Elder Kayn said. "Would anyone like to go first?"

The room was silent as the children looked around with bitter smiles. Being first was always accompanied by unthinkable anxiety, so no one wanted to go first.

Because of this, Grand Elder Kayn eventually picked the first person. He extended his wrinkled finger and pointed at a young boy. "You there, come up!"

"Me?" Dylon stammered while looking around.

The other children backed away from him as Grand Elder Kayn nodded in response.

"Correct. Come here, and let us explore your talent."

Dylon cautiously approached the staircase and soon arrived before Grand Elder Kayn, reluctant. "Place your hand on the stele and relax."

The stele emitted a low hum as Dylon listened to Grand Elder Kayn's instructions. A white light appeared a second later while Dylon felt a warm presence on the palm of his hand. The white light billowed and grew mighty before adopting a light red shade.

The color deepened until it steadily changed into an orange color. The orange light filled the room, but there was a faint yellow glow at the core of this light. The changes stopped there and persisted for a few seconds. 

"A chance you'll be an Aura Commander in the future. This potential isn't bad. I'm pleased by the beginning."

"Woohoo!" Dylon exclaimed with a fist balled to the sky. However, he walked too close to the edge in excitement and tumbled down the entire set of stairs. This situation caused a fit of sputtering laughter from the other children.

"Next!" Grand Elder Kayn called out amidst laughter.

"Knight potential, not bad."

"Perfect Knight potential, pretty good."

"Another potential Commander, excellent."

The children walked up in quick succession and revealed their results.

Finally, the time had come for Axel to walk up those steps and stand before Grand Elder Kayn with a respectful expression.

"I expect great things from you, boy. Do not disappoint." Although Grand Elder Kayn spoke in a soft tone, his voice carried throughout the temple.

Axel placed his hand on the stele, and a blaze of white light instantly appeared. 

Unlike all those who went before him, the light rapidly changed from red to orange to yellow. The light spent less than 5 seconds on each color, bringing great shock to Grand Elder Kayn's eyes.

The progress of the light's change didn't stop until it gained a vibrant green color with tinges of blue interspersed throughout. "Outstanding! Aura General potential with the possibility of becoming an Aura Lord if all of your cards line up. We've raised an excellent prospect."

Apollo's fist clenched as he listened to the open praise Axel received. Resentment bubbled in his heart. 'Why are the wicked rewarded? How is this fair?'

[If the wicked are rewarded, become the ruler of the wicked and reap the rewards from all. Who will stop you then? Who will dictate your fate? No one.]

A newfound desire for strength rose in Apollo's heart as he listened to Azridan's words. He wasn't wrong. All five of the kids responsible for Apollo's tragic fate were revealed to have Aura Commander level Essence Talents.

Meanwhile, Apollo dreaded the moment his potential would be revealed. He wasn't sure why he couldn't absorb Essence like the other, but it would undoubtedly interfere with this assessment.

Apollo could only sigh dejectedly while looking elsewhere.

"Don't worry, Apollo. I've got this," Aaron whispered once he noticed Apollo's clenched fist.

Aaron exited from the crowd before Grand Elder Kayn could call upon the next examinee. Aaron paid his respects to the elder before placing his hand on the center of the stele.


Not just light, a strong energy billowed from the Essence Injection Stele as the white light shot up to a green color in an instant. However, after reaching a green color, the stele didn't reveal any indications of slowing down.

Pale blue… bright blue… deep blue.

The stele's color continued deepening until it reached a deep blue. However, if one looked closely, one would realize speckles of a darker color were present.

"U-Unthinkable. Such a wondrous talent has only appeared once before! Definite Aura Lord potential. You may even grow into an Emperor in the future!" Grand Elder Kayn picked Aaron up and spun him around in evident delight.

Different from before, Apollo felt happy for Aaron. He felt Aaron's current resplendence was well deserved. It should be his time to shine!

Grand Elder Kayn placed Aaron back on the ground and coughed a moment later. "Ahem. Forgive this old man's behavior. I became too excited. How many remain to be tested?"

"Three," Cynthia called out.

"Very well. Send them up here at once."

Naturally, one of those children was Apollo. However, the other children were both young girls—one petite with shoulder-length brown hair and the other with jet-black hair that cascaded past her waist.

"Apollo, Xineen, and Lily, please go up," Cynthia instructed.

All three of them approached the stele simultaneously, but the other children's scorn and giggles grew louder while this happened.

"Shut up!" Aaron barked when he noticed who the scorn was directed at.

Cynthia smiled bitterly but didn't correct his actions because she didn't intend to. She appreciated it when Aaron stood up for Apollo.

Meanwhile, Grand Elder Kayn ignored the ordeal completely. He was far too worried about seeing if another spectacle could take place.