Pain of the Demonic Path


Despite being on guard against Azridan's words, Apollo was still slightly unprepared for the spectacle that was about to reveal itself. An overbearing surge washed over his mind. The immensity of the information being imparted was mind-numbing, literally.

Apollo fell to his knees and gripped his head as a searing pain assailed the back of his eyes, spreading rapidly from that point on. The residual pain augmented by the transference of information left him appalled.

It wasn't long before the pain turned into brutal pulses filled with a tyrannical source of information. The subtle, searing heat turned into a raging inferno in Apollo's mind. 

"T-too much! Too...damn much!" Apollo squeezed to gritted teeth while clinging to the threads of his consciousness. The writhing pain was far too much for, especially so because once the information was implanted, it didn't stop there.

A problem, or rather a precaution activated as per the technique's initial instructions. A majority of the information flowing into his mind became increasingly cryptic, barring Apollo from even noticing it.

Eventually, the pain Apollo had to withstand escalated to unprecedented levels, forcing Apollo to ultimately succumb to its brutality.


Sometime later, Apollo regained consciousness from the earlier ordeal. But, he once again found himself in an unusually groggy state.


Apollo moved with a prolonged groan as he realized a haze present in his mind. Obviously, this was a side effect of the immense transference that took place not too long ago.

Plus, it only made the remnants of his prior affliction persist even longer.

"That... I know I said I can bear it, but fuck, that was horrible!" Apollo swore as he stood up, holding his head. However, after giving himself some time to acclimate to the new feeling, Apollo took notice of two changes.

Implanted in the depths of his mind, there were two tomes of baffling size.

One was archaic and completely obsidian with crimson etchings along the top that delivered a unique yet imposing aura. Just a cursory glance and Apollo felt himself being consumed by an unfamiliar yet boundless rage. It gave Apollo the impression of being engulfed by the conflagrations of war! But, the rest of the tome was obscured and incapable of being read.

Meanwhile, the second tome was entirely crimson in color, but the inscriptions were silver and heavy, almost as if it was forged from mercury. A quick glance incited the emotions followed by the conflagrations of destructive wars! 

'What is all this?' Apollo muttered while being awestruck by the transmitted feelings of these texts.

[They're the foundations of your demonic path.]

"The foundations of my path. So my path will be one of strong emotion then?" Apollo questioned. It was quite baffling to him because he found himself becoming more detached the further he advanced, so how could he evolve into an emotional being?

[I'd say you worded that wrong. Your path will simply be one of overwhelming corruption, or in short, the utilization of the dark emotions.]

"Utilization of the dark emotions. Sounds to me like... becoming sinful?" Apollo answered, but also used a questioning undertone. After all, he wasn't quite sure if his guess was correct.

[Precisely, as a Demon, we are what is known as the vessels of Sin. In fact, there is a way to properly weaponize that energy. Take a gander at the obsidian tome.]

Apollo already did so, but the first attempt garnered no results. However, since Azridan told him to take another look, he did so, but with no expectations in mind. Despite his lack of expectation, the fact it emitted an odd emotional signature, Apollo was sure it had a purpose.

And, he was correct. Since the tablet had settled it within his mind, he was finally able to browse the contents, except what he saw left him nonplussed. 

"Huh?! What does all this say?" Apollo blurted as his face contorted in confusion.

There was simply too much information embedded in the strokes of the etchings. Not to mention, 6 portions of the tome were blurred and indecipherable.

"Azridan, I can't understand anything!"

[No, that is because you're focusing on the wrong thing. Focus on the absolute top of the information and do so as if you were reading words.]

Gradually, Apollo listened to the suggestion. And, to his surprise, the etchings morphed into a set of crystal clear words.

'Wrath is a sin of unimaginable power. Above all, it can consume you, however, strength is drawn when one harnesses it. To withstand wrath is to understand one's self. When one realizes their sin, the Hellfire shall cleanse the body and give birth to the first stigmata; the Infernal Ira Seal...'

"U-uh...what...does this mean Azridan?"

[Exactly how it sounds.]

〈System: Information on the technique released to you has been deciphered.〉

Name: Supreme Demon Body - Seven Ungodly Stigmata

Rank: Abyssal

Type: *Unique Path

Level: 1/7

Information: An Abysmal Art forged by the Abyssal Conqueror, who walked the route of absolute domination. Achieving that domination, 7 symbols were left as a record of his triumph. Only one born of this power can understand the depths of the Monarch and in doing so, reach the pinnacle of the Demons.

[«Unlocked Segments»]-

«Infernal Ira Stigmata»: The stigmata forged to dominate Ira. Only those of a diabolic heart can awaken the hidden potential. This can only be forged by using the most ruthless of flames—Purgatory's Blood.

Requirements: «Lesser Demon Body» & Level 100

*Note: This stigmata can't be formed unless your vitality is greater than or equal to 150.

〈Mantra: Wrath is power; I don't seek it, however, I fall within its embrace. Burning all, wrath ignites. The flames of my Ira are boundless!〉

Abilities: ???





"Azridan these requirements… Although they're not too far off. I was expecting to be able to train in these abilities," Apollo said with a slight frown.

Not only did he need to reach Level 100, but he needed to acquire what was known as a Lesser Demon Body. Although it was unfamiliar as of right now, because it mentioned Demon, Apollo was sure it had something to do with this evolution.

[Don't be impatient, your state is far from a true Demon. Attempting to engrave a stigmata right now would be borderline suicide. Don't you recall what happened in your earlier incident? You think you're ready to withstand that kind of constant affliction?]

"You mean engraving a stigmata would subject me to constant exposure to that type of rage," Apollo muttered with a tinge of horror presence on his face. Unless he wanted to expose himself to a power outside of his control that would soon consume him, it was better to leave it alone for the time being.

[Exactly. So it isn't worth it. Those stigmata essentially complete your orientation as a Demon. Of course, it varies per Demon as per their Sin Affinity.]

"So I just need to meet the requirements then," Apollo assumed, before pushing to the back of his mind. However, as it was Azridan's personality, he immediately rained on his parade.

[Not quite, what you will meet is PAIN! You must fail to understand exactly what Hellfire is. It is something birthed from the smoldering abyss. If you look forward to its embrace, I question your sanity.]

Apollo scoffed with widened eyes, "What?! No, I question you! Why does everything that leaves your mouth have to do with pain? Is the demonic race some type of gathering of masochists?" Apollo snarled.

At this point, he was becoming infuriated by the fact that he was experiencing more pain than the pleasure of the power-ups these days.

[No… Well… Yes, in a sense. I guess you can say that. After all, utilizing the harnessed sins is a type of self-mutilating practice.]

"Oh, thank go-... What? You just admitted to it? Ugh…" Apollo groaned as he clutched his head, beginning to dread his future.

[It'll be even worse. Therefore, brace yourself. You haven't even taken a look at the techniques you need to train in. The only thing I can recommend is to keep your goal in mind at all times. You'd be surprised what a singular goal can help you achieve.]

"There go my hopes and dreams," Apollo muttered with a  wry smile.

[Stop that useless sulking. Instead, it is time to train properly. It's time you took advantage of that external absorption.]

Immediately, Apollo recalled the presence of his earlier skill. It was a skill that was vague in its description but allowed Apollo to absorb energy from all sources. And, there were a few items within his possession that fit the bill. 

However, Azridan also realized some other matters that he potentially overlooked. Yes, part of his advancement was linked to his demonic evolution, but there were still other matters for him to learn that this condition did not restrict.

[Although you aren't able to forge the foundations of your unique Supreme Demon Body, that doesn't mean all hope is lost. For example, why don't we take a look at that crimson tablet. Or, should I say, the Abysmal Conqueror Record.]

Immediately, Apollo perked up when he heard Azridan's words. If this was true, then was no reason for him to brood over his current limitations!