Tyrannical Reformation


Eventually, Apollo closed his eyes and focused on allowing the accelerated healing to do its job. Because, the state of accelerated healing was temporary, depending on his current level, the duration varied greatly. 

Fortunately, with the number of levels he gained, the consolidated healing time was ample enough.

Conversely, the severity of the wound made it hard to estimate the time until it fully healed. Even after an hour of waiting, the gash on his shoulder had barely healed. Evidently, the damage pierced deeper than previously expected. Its state was even worse than first imagined.

Most of his muscles and tendons were severed by the wind blade, so creating new bonds would take time. After all, recreating the intricate features of a body was a complicated matter.

And, with the pendant in a sealed state, the amount of healing it could offer was limited. Nevertheless, Azridan didn't forget to grumble about this current situation.

[Damn you and your unique situation. This injury would have begun the healing process if you were a full-fledged demon! Tch, nothing is ever easy. ]

"What are you grumbling about? You aren't the one feeling the pain," Apollo scowled before closing his eyes once again. 

[I suppose you're right, but still. This situation is infuriating to spectate when I know you can tap into a power much stronger!]

Unfortunately, until he fulfilled the requirements, Apollo's transformation into a true demon would remain unique.

In the meantime, Apollo returned his focus to make sure the healing process proceeded unabated. Although it was unknown just how many days he remained still for, the abundance of experience curbed his desire to eat.

Thus, for countless hours, which soon evolved into days, Apollo remained ignorant to the passage of time.

For many hours, this took place. In fact, he became ignorant of the numerous days passing. He remained still for more than 2 weeks as his body reattached the nearly severed arm to his body.

The shocking part was the fact that no Spirit Beast came in and interrupted this scene. But, that was understandable, seeing as Azridan interfered with things slightly.

[It is time. Although the wound isn't fully healed. You should have returned to a state suitable for my plan. We'll take your body to the next level! At the same time, all of your injuries should be treated as well. Heh…]

"What is that chuckle for?" Apollo questioned as Azridan's giddy tone roused him from his suspended state. Meanwhile, in addition to healing, digesting the changes of reaching Level 55 became quite apparent. Unlike before, he scrutinized his surroundings attentively.

[Chuckle? That is a simple acknowledgment of you soon coming into power. What else could it be?]

"Why… do I get the feeling that I shouldn't believe you. It sounds to me as if you're hiding something. Don't be so cryptic. Come on, tell me," Apollo responded with a disbelieving tone.

Apollo found it hard to believe that his earlier tone was just a figment of his imagination, despite his words. 

[Sure, if you'd like to know my plan—we'll be demolishing your physique. I'll need to prepare you for the future. We'll need to reconstruct your horrendous body if you're to succeed in taking the first step towards becoming a Monarch. Hence, let's get you acclimated to torturous levels of pain. You nearly losing an arm will feel like child's play in comparison.]

Azridan's tone sounded both spirited as well as serious. There seemed to be an expectant desire laced within his serious message, only, he didn't directly voice it.

"E-excuse me. But did you just say losing an arm will seem to be child's play? If that's the case… then I think I'll need to reevaluate our relationship. I think you just seek to abuse me," Apollo muttered with deep concern, but all of a sudden a cryptic smile appeared on his face. 

"What do you suggest?" Apollo asked almost jokingly, but there was a fire set ablaze in his eyes when he thought of the real reason behind Azridan's actions.

[Excellent lad! I love the heart. In short, we'll be merging the two items in your possession. Since there is a short instance wherein the system fails to convert their effects, let's take advantage of it.]

"I see, so I guess you want to mix the two worst items?" Apollo replied as he removed the crimson root and vial of viscous purple liquid.

Two dark embers entered the items as soon as he retrieved them, courtesy of Azridan's actions. Surprisingly, Apollo didn't feel any heat emitting from it, yet the ginseng was being refined to dust!

[This is out of your control, so allow me to handle it.]

"What… how is this possible?" Apollo muttered incredulously. He believed he should have felt some type of discomfort, yet that wasn't the case. But how could that happen when the one utilizing these flames was the one closest to becoming the Demon Monarch after millennia of absence—a title which insinuated a lifetime of struggle as well as accolades.

[Do you doubt my skill? This is but a basic utilization. If you don't achieve at least this attainment in the future… I'll be disappointed in you. You must learn to wield Hellfire in its purest form.]

For a while, Azridan was silent, but within two minutes, he spoke again.

[It is ready. Pray to the Death Deity that you hold yourself together, because I've added something special just for you.]

"I thought there's no Go-" voiced Apollo only to be interrupted by Azridan's next words.

[The mention of God doesn't exist. The one we revere is the sole entity who gave birth to the Demons; the Death Deity. However, even though we worship it, the records of its presence are truly obscured.]

"Oh…" Apollo replied skeptically while removing the cork on the vial. However, it still wasn't done as Azridan gave him another set of orders.

[Retrieve all of the Demonic Essence Pellets as well. It'll help in this process.]

'That help had far too much emphasis,' Apollo thought with faint amounts of concern.

Still, the 8 Demonic Essence Pellets appeared in his hand. In an instant, they were vaporized into a powder that blended with the powder from the root, whereas the 12 drops of liquid inside the vial were manipulated.

Under the guidance of Azridan, the two items merged into a thick glob with a consistency of paste. The outer shell bubbled with an almost toxic sensation. Just the stench emanating from it was overbearing!

[Open your mouth.]

"You want me to ingest that?! Are you sure it's edible?!" Apollo exclaimed.

[Should be. Now open up and prepare yourself. Just think of it as an unsurpassed source of experience.]

"If only it was as easy as you say," Apollo clicked his tongue but ultimately, opened his mouth. 

Truth be told, he regretted it the moment this action was made. Before he could rethink his choice, the glob shot own his down and dissolved instantly.

Black veins protruded throughout his body as his eyes bulged. Any screams of pain were stuck in his throat. It had transcended the realm of enabling him to respond to the stimulus—the pain was beyond debilitating at this point.

[Bon appetit, lad.]

The pill continued to dissolve, causing Apollo to writhe in pain. It wasn't long before it became utterly unable. Apollo's body twitched involuntarily as a result of the excruciating pain. Eventually, his willpower gave out, leading to him inevitably fainting.

[He lasted longer than I estimated. Perhaps his mental and physical fortitude is higher than I predicted.]

Meanwhile, the foundation for conditions was being laid as Apollo's body continued to twitch even after falling unconscious. That makeshift concoction Azridan fed him would give birth to something that would soon enough defy reason.