Fury Collides


[Damn it all, how the hell is this possible? He'll damage himself by invoking this forcefully!]

Unfortunately, Azridan was at a loss, unsure how to reverse the current situation. Meanwhile, Apollo continued to utter one word in a crazed manner as hands emitted a ghastly crimson hue.

Just as the Widow Queen was boiling over with rage, so was Apollo. His thought process became clouded by the murderous thoughts invading his mind.

This aura has appeared once before when going against Melina and Verina, only this time, it was thicker in appearance.

"Kill. I'll kill…you.  Murder," Apollo uttered incoherently. All of his rage was directed towards the Widow Queen now frantically dashing towards him. Its movements carried with it a trace of disorder, seeming to be affected by the aura Apollo was currently leaking.

[Lad, recover yourself. If you act hastily, you'll end up losing yourself within that rage. Heed my words; wrath is something that shouldn't be easily trifled with.]

"Silence, I will kill..." Apollo snarled before charging toward the queen. His mad dash caused the ground to splinter as a result of his abrupt burst. Although it seemed like his speed increased, that wasn't the case, his current attributes were simply being manipulated with unprecedented precision.


The Widow Queen screeched just before firing two threads at Apollo. They approached him from both sides, intending to cut off his path. However, Apollo merely spared the two attacks a glance.

After, Apollo twisted his body naturally, rivaling an extreme contortionist, which he then followed up by using a weird stepping method that made it appear as he would fall at any given moment.

But, contrary to expectation, he didn't.

Instead, he accelerated further and stabbed the Dark Cutter into the exposed abdomen of the Widow Queen. Sadly, it was leagues above the others. Rather than the puncture Apollo was looking for, only a scratch appeared. It wasn't a Variant for nothing.

Apollo clicked his tongue in response, which also fed his seething fury.

"Break! Break! Break!" Apollo roared furiously as his arms turned into a flurry of blurs continuously attacking the same spot. Each successive attack caused a deeper scar. Until finally a crack appeared. However, retaliating, the Widow Queen stabbed its leg into the ground aiming at Apollo.

Although it was dangerous, Apollo didn't move his feet, merely leaning to the side,  to avoid most of the attack. However, the razor-sharp attachments mutilated his shoulder once again. Only, this time he didn't seem to react. 

Throughout the pain, Apollo was only hellbent on inflicting damage.

[Some kind of embedded darkness is fueling his berserk tendencies. He even disregards defense to go on an extreme offense. This is... the embrace of Ira.]

Now that there was exposed flesh, Apollo zeroed in on it and treated it as a targeted weakness. Without hesitation, Apollo plunged the knife deep into the wound before wrenching it.

Horrible pained screeches sounded while a horrendous number appeared over its head with nearly 30% of its health vanishing.


"Roarrghh," Apollo roared as he gripped the leg closest to the wound and pulled. Recurring snapping noises took place as a portion of innards were pulled out along with the legs.

Apollo then attempted to stab the leg into the exposed flesh with one fluid movement. However, its increased capabilities from being a Variant came to light. It avoided fatal damage by closing all of its legs.

Apollo scoffed, dissatisfied by the failed attempt. Apollo slid under the queen, but it started to haphazardly stab its legs into the ground beneath its wound. Even then, Apollo rolled between the stab, finding a faint pattern.

Using the window found a few moments later, Apollo inflicted more damage, but the Queen Widow soon changed its action upon realizing that it couldn't afford any further damage.

It fired a web in 4 directions towards the ceiling, reaching a suspended height of 10 meters. However, despite its actions made as a precaution, it couldn't stop Apollo's onslaught! 

The Queen Widow had infuriated a demon!

Apollo's frigid gaze rose towards the suspended spider before giving an eerie smirk, "Your actions won't stop me from killing you."

In Apollo's mind, ways of giving this beast a slow and painful death surfaced. Eventually, Apollo moved, dodging the launched poison attacks. Then, he pinpointed the largest pile of carcasses before kicking them together into a condensed pile.

Apollo then rushed up the pill before performing an explosive jump. Arriving before the spider queen in mere sections, his attention fell on her spinnerets. Without a second thought, Apollo unleashed a relentless barrage of slashes.

Under the relentless assault of Apollo, the queen's spinnerets shattered in second, causing her to experience a 10-meter plunge. Meanwhile, Apollo turned and landed on his feet without taking any damage.

Because of his actions and being the cause of the heavy impact, a large number of eggs were annihilated, turning into a vibrant stream of experience for Apollo. So much so it was enough to warrant another level up!

〈System: Congratulations, you have reached Level 71.〉

As soon as the notification appeared, Apollo expended the given stats points.

"Increase Strength," Apollo muttered before storming forward with phantom-like movements. In addition to the reward of 0.2 Attributes, Apollo ending up increasing his strength by half a point.

Although it didn't sound very strong, when added to his current strength it was a noticeable upgrade.

〈System: Strength: 44.1 → 44.6〉

Apart from closing the distance, Apollo also exacted the gruesome thought circulating through his mind. One by one, he cut off the queen's legs after dropping into the small crater.

Analyzing its exterior, Apollo found the best entry points and plunged the legs inside but avoid the vitals. The spider squirmed about, but Apollo merely kept up with actions.

Eventually, every exposed area of the spider was penetrated by its legs. Eyes, mouth, wound—every wound was filled.

Apollo took pleasure in watching it writhe in pain until its eventual end. After approximately 5 minutes of trashing about after experiencing Apollo's bloodcurdling torture, all movement ceased.

Apollo watched the screen of notification stream down while covered in the blood of his kill.