Reaffirming His Drive


"Hooo…" A slightly dejected youth released a turbid breath as he opened his eyes, gazing upon a training post. It was battered and nearly falling apart from the repeated, relentless training. His physique seemed to be a cross between a young teen and a child.

Evidently, the endless training paid off in this aspect.

"Still not strong enough. Compared to them, I'm still far behind," he muttered as he tightened his grasp on a wooden sword, seemingly heavier than it looked as it caused some strain on both his wrist and forearms.

"Lad, you train too much these days. While your diligence is commendable, you should allow your body some rest. Even though you're young, your rate of recovery isn't what a Zul Warrior can perform. Should we call it a day, Aaron?" Danyul suggested with a look of concern in his eyes.

Unlike before, the amicable little boy Aaron no longer retained that bright smile. 8 months ago, he entered an unrelenting period of near-emotional solitude. So much so, even the other kids avoided him lest they provoked his ire. He made no attempts to socialize with his relatives.

"I appreciate your concern, Uncle, but no. I have to continue. I made a promise and I will see to it that I fulfill it," Aaron adamantly refused. Afterward, he raised his arm delivering a strong slash, causing the entire post he struck the training post to vibrate. One had to know, this wasn't the same one they trained on.

It was made from a reinforced ore containing slight absorptive properties as well as a high standard of hardness. To even harm it in the slightly required at least 400 Zuls of Strength. In other words, during this period; Aaron had at least attained the Rank 7 Mortal Realm!

His rate of advancement was mind-numbing. Of course, this wasn't solely due to his good talent. While it continued to mature, he trained for days on end without missing one. It was during this time he entered a rapid state of advancement. Both his meridians and outer body were going through astonishing changes.

Yet, despite his rapid progress, he was unsatisfied with what he achieved. In his eyes, the matter of Apollo leaving was his fault as well. He thought if he were stronger, he could possibly leverage his worth.

"Promise? What promise?" Danyul asked as he approached closer, taking note of the power behind Aaron's strikes. 'Did he recently enter the 8th Rank? Isn't this slightly too quick? Are his foundations stable? Both the inner and outer body needs to be trained harmoniously so there aren't any imbalances.'

"A promise between me and Apollo. So I must train," Aaron answered with his sights locked on the post. His movements seemed to be well trained as his wrist snaked.

Different from the basic shape of the training post, the ones Aaron used were an outline of the human physique. And, most of his attacks landed on the suspected vital areas of the body, and it happened with a recurring frequency.

"Ah! Wait… tell me. When did you enter the 8th Rank?" Danyul inquired amidst rubbing his chin thoroughly at his movements. 'Initial mastery in Hundred Chain Strokes while integrating it with the Viper'd Wrist. Interesting. Just how long does this boy train? Those are both some decent combat techniques.'

"2 nights before. Spar with me Uncle. This post isn't able to retaliate. It'll stifle my growth if I'm not introduced to live combat," Aaron said before turning towards Danyul. However, before he could answer, a soothing voice sounded behind them.

"Aaron… don't overtrain. Every day you seem to engross yourself in this type of self-mutilating training. I don't like it," Lily complained as she pulled on the hem of his shirt.

For a moment, Aaron froze before releasing a heavy sigh, "I know Lily. But your talent is stronger than mine. Even though we are all treated well, there is still a large disparity in our worth. I have to make up for that with hard work. As Grand Elder said, this world is ruthless. So I don't mind being ruthless to myself anymore," he responded in return in a certain tone.

"Th-then...I'll spar with you," Lily answered. Her previously small stature had grown as well in these past few months. However, that wasn't the only thing; her meridians did as well. Even though she didn't do as much as Aaron did, she was more or less on the same level as him, except she was closer to advancing.

"I'll permit it. Live battle is much better than stationary training. Furthermore, this will allow you to realize that as your cultivation advances, the disparity between the small stages inside a realm grows increasingly large. Only certain means can counteract that," Danyul revealed. He then waved his arm, indicating the start of the spar.

Immediately, Aaron and Lily dashed at each other. However, while Arron wielded a wooden sword, Lily was barehanded. But a thin aura coated her hands, causing it to seem as if she possessed two sets of palms.

'Oh? Intermediate mastery of the Serene Mirror Palm. It seems her heart is still and the Natural Essence attunes with her. Have the elders introduced her to stronger martial arts?' Danyul wondered.


The palm and sword collided for a moment before the two then separated. Subsequently, multiple exchanges took place as they switched between their learned combat techniques.

A thin aura coated the wooden sword tip Aaron used, followed by a drifting breeze.

'Hm, he's trying to understand the Drifting Wind Swordsmanship. However, that requires too much Natural Essence control. Even though he's been introduced to it, that technique typically requires the reserves of a peak Mortal.'

Aaron managed to release the strike, but it was too slow and Lily read the trajectory and responded with a soft force. He was forced back, but Aaron continued to attempt this swordplay until he was exhausted.

Finally, out of energy, the two ended the spar but Aaron shook his head.

His body felt depleted, but Lily's appearance was still rosy and vibrant with energy. The difference in their reserves was apparent. Even though neither of them possessed awakened Dantians, her meridians were thicker and could contain more Natural Essence.

"As you see, a battle between cultivators boils down to their essence reserves and the techniques in their arsenal. That's what increases their lethality. If you chance upon fortuitous encounters blessing you with an exemplary boost in these 2 aspects; you may very well possess the means to combat those above you," Danyul commented.

Then, he added, "But, you must also take into account how well you understand your techniques."

"I see," Aaron nodded before turning towards Lily and motioning towards her as well, lamenting his "slow" growth, "I'll rest. My body has reached its limit."

After speaking, his image retreated. However, Lily frowned at his departing back as she hooked her fingers. She felt a pain in her heart that she couldn't describe, "He's been so sad… Apollo leaving seems to have broken something inside him."

"It was more than that. Perhaps, his view of the world is changing as a result," Danyul responded before closing his eyes with a heavy heart. Even if he disobeyed and ventured to find Apollo, could he reverse this situation?


Before reaching home, Aaron glanced at Apollo's old courtyard. Clenching his fist, a deep melancholy entered his eyes as he trembled and vowed to himself, 'I promise you...I'll find a way to make this right.'

It wasn't long after that he entered his home, catching sight of his silent mother. She smiled lightly at him and pulled Aaron into her embrace, consoling his weary mind.

" you still think Apollo is alive? I… I really miss him. Do you miss him as well?"

Looking out the window into the distance, a gleam flashed through her eyes as she smiled and responded, "He's definitely alive. This small setback can't break him. You have to be strong so that upon your reunion, you can show him just how much you've changed. I'm sure he thinks about you often."

"I will!" Aaron answered firmly as his eyes followed her gaze. Standing ramrod straight, he placed his right hand over his chest and made a second silent oath. After this, his melancholy dissipated only to be replaced by a reinvigorated drive. 

In turn, Cynthia smiled. 'You boys, you two will be great. I can see it now.'