Mortifying Demonic Techniques


Apollo remained inside the cave over the course of many months. He didn't leave the cave for food, because he ate the remains of the Queen Widow until it was a bare skeleton. Afterward, Apollo generally consumed a Demonic Essence Pellet every 3 days or so.

However, while the period between mandatary consumptions lengthened, the amount of progress made from each pellet started to experience diminishing returns. Despite, his constant consumption, Apollo's progress experience a noticeable decrease.

Fortunately, this time wasn't used to just advance his state. Both his level and attributes underwent a shocking change. Furthermore, surpassing the 66th percentile of his evolutionary threshold fulfilled one of the prerequisites for his abilities.

Suddenly, Apollo's eyes sprung open as he smashed his foot in the ground. A strong force burst from his body allowed him to perform an effortless 12-meter jump. Afterward, he glided towards the ground while releasing a cloudy breath.

Soon enough, his attention fell on methods upon the exact changes in his status.


(Demon Monarch System) Lv.2

Name: Apollo Kaiser

Race: Demi-Demon *Unique [69.93%]

Title: Azridan's Successor

Age: 11

Level: 88

Experience: 7,980/87,900

Health: 1,312/1,312 → 1,944/1,944

Stamina: 1,312/1,312 → 1,944/1,944

Strength: 47.4 → 67.4

Agility: 40.3 → 62.3

Intelligence: 32.7 → 33.3

Vitality: 32.8 → 48.6

[«Traits»]- 2

«External Absorption»

«Juvenile Demon Body»

Stat Points: 6.0


'I haven't used my Stat Points due to the lack of battles. As I am now, I don't think a Rank 0 Spirit Beast is my opponent, and unless it's a Peak Rank 1 Spirit Beast, it shouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, the improvement of my Intelligence isn't as large as the others. But, that's only because the core centric to that stat was scarce,' Apollo thought to himself.

Most of the cores Apollo absorbed gave some strength, agility, vitality, or simply awarded a small amount of experience. When it came to the other elements, Apollo seldomly possessed those, nor did he know which ones pertained to intelligence.

Nevertheless, Apollo didn't focus on that matter for too long, because the fact that he awakened his Juvenile Demon Body left him excited. This meant that he had completely covered everything needed to use those techniques!

Granted, the consumption still seemed overwhelming to him. Still, Apollo was curious as to the exact uses of this so-called Juvenile Demon Body.

「Juvenile Demon Body - Trait

Rank: *Unique 

Information: A derivative demon body unique only to youth. You have received a strengthened physique after complete more than two-thirds of the demonic change.

«Incomplete Demonizing» - The basic technique of a demon can be utilized. The effects of all attributes shall be increased to a unique threshold. (Stronger than a human, but weaker than a demon.)

«Resistance» - Immunity to lower toxins and your perception of pain has decreased.

«Reach 100 Strength»

«Reach 100 Intelligence»

«Reach 100 Agility»

«Reach 100 Vitality»  」


"The first chasm appears to be 100 points in each attribute. I guess the system favors the number 100. Even the mission requires me to reach that level," Apollo muttered to himself before dismissing the information on his trait.

Next, he glimpsed over the details of the First Baleful Step. Practicing the Partial Shade Silhouette required him to both move in a ghost-like fashion while shrouding his presence in a dark presence.

While it sounded difficult, Apollo wasn't nervous at all. Because, the Incomplete Demonizing was the bridge to utilizing this technique. A few days ago, when the Juvenile Demon Body first appeared, his body released a ghastly energy.

At first, it was unfamiliar to Apollo but Azridan went on to explain this was an aftereffect of acquiring a demon physique, albeit one that didn't truly exist in the records. Nevertheless, it was tailored for Apollo who was being put through a sort of mission before he could advance normally.

[Do your best. Although the overall difficulty of the technique is high, as you saw, the first step is only labeled as a Lesser Technique. Even a Lesser Demon could learn this given enough time.]

Apollo stopped all of a sudden after hearing Azridan's words, "Speaking of which, what are the rankings of the demonic techniques?"

[Oh, that's quite simple. From the weakest to the strongest, which actually only came to be because of the strongest demon to ever live, there are now 6. Lesser Techniques, Greater Techniques, Archaic Arts, Noble Arts, Daemonic Practices, and lastly, Abysmal Practices.]

"I see, but why are some call arts and a practice, whereas the rest are techniques?" Apollo questioned.

[Because, after a certain level, technique acquire an air of magnificence, similar to art, hence the given name. As for practices, we call them that because the required level is ridiculously hard to achieve; it takes endless attempts.]

"Interesting. So each art is likened to its respective demonic states. I appreciate the information, now, I think it's time for me to attempt these techniques," Apollo said before trying to perform the technique, which immediately in his first failure.

He failed to grasp the essence of the name Partial Shade Silhouette, crudely manipulating the dark air his body emitted. It caused a searing pain shooting through his legs as far too much stamina was consumed.

Despite his failure, Apollo repeated the action of learning this movement technique.

Eventually, countless more hours passed throughout the spectacle, yet Apollo remained focused. During this time, he solved his many questions through short bouts of pondering. 'Shade… I can attribute this to the darkness, I suppose. Then a silhouette, I think of a light figure in the distance. As for Partial… could that do with the flow? Perhaps the error lies in my execution.'

Apollo eventually tried again, this time, he focused on controlling the dark air only. But, after a while, it left him feeling faint. However, Apollo didn't disregard his actions. In fact, he was delighted.

'Again. I'm on the right path, but my control is faulty,' Apollo as he tapped his foot lightly which propelled him forth faster than before. At the same time, he felt tendrils of darkness escaping his feet. At that moment, he was struck with inspiration!

'I am the silhouette, so the darkness needs to become me,' Apollo said upon coming across this realization. As a result, the dark air wrapped around the lower half of his body, making him appear as half man, half shadow.

After numerous attempts, he finally unleashed the technique!

〈System: You have learned the First Baleful Step: Partial Shade Silhouette.〉

〈System: Since you have learned the skill, you only to will its activation to use it from now on.〉 

[Not bad. You've managed to learn the technique in record time. But, when you become more adept, you can even shift the positioning of the shadow to create numerous possibilities.]

"That sounds enticing. I can already think of some instances where that will be useful to have in my repertoire," Apollo answered. Then, he sat down and waited for his stamina to return.

His depleted stamina soon recovered with the aid of the pendant. However, something he overlooked was that trace amounts of essence were always flowing into the pendant. It did so autonomously and outside of the scope of Apollo's perception.

[Now, try out that other technique. But, I must warn you to be careful because it is not as complicated to unleash. Chances are it might take you by surprise.]

Unlike the previous technique, this one was fairly simple. It merely required Apollo to ignite some of the sparse demonic power flowing in his body to burn his stamina as a source of strength.

And, Apollo did just that to test out how terrifying a strike that consumed an unknown amount of stamina was.


A wave of black energy carrying red undulations destroyed almost every rock in its path before creating a large scar on the blocked entrance of this dark cave. The indent was deep and the mark was as smooth as glass. Yet, that was far from the most shocking matter.

The was a dreadful aura seeped from the rock that was cleaved by this strike. Furthermore, if one got close, one would hear the searing whisper from the rock.

While unsure of the amount of damage that would inflict, he knew it was in direct proportion to the stamina consumed. However, he didn't expect to be to this extent! This strike was absolutely terrible!

Regrettably, he couldn't remain in awe for long as the aftereffects mentioned immediately took place.

Even after the one use, his stamina continued to dwindle as the meridian in his arms swelled. His virgin meridians had yet to experience such a tyrannic influx of essence. In response, they entered their current tender state.

〈System Alert: The «Demonic Massacre Wave» has drained over 90% of your stamina. Repeated usage is unadvised and almost impossible as of now.〉

〈System Alert: Your familiarity with the «Abysmal Conqueror Record» has increased slightly.〉

[I told you. That technique is dangerous, but in return, it is extremely strong. But, I'm not sure how much of its power you wield as of now.]

[Once you recover, let's leave. You need a restock of resources anyway]

"I have those pills from Irauk though," Apollo responded.

[I'm sorry to say but those won't suffice. With that body, post-Lv.90, I fear your experience requirements will be horrendous!]