Inevitable Goal



Once Apollo reappeared, the color of the once vibrant pool of blood dulled. Though it seemed like he was overall dissatisfied with the abrupt absorption, Apollo didn't fret over this matter since anything gained from the blood was a plus.

Instead, he thrust his hands up through the wound of the reverse scale and fished around until he pulled out a core larger than one of his hands. As a monster with a trace of a dragon's bloodline, Apollo expected as much. 

「Spirit Heart Core

Element: Fire, Darkness, Wind, Metal, and Earth

Rank: IV

Purity: First Cycle (20%)

Experience Source: 849,745 (85%)

Absorption: Increases All Attributes by 29 points. 」

'Only the first cycle, meaning that despite all the shocking effects, it's the lowest possible,' Apollo thought to himself before tossing the core into his pouch. Now wasn't the time to absorb this. The energy inside was far too tyrannic.