A Vicious Return (II)


Apollo's smirk escaped the notice of others, but from his expression, it was clear he returned with other thoughts in mind. A moment later, his smirk disappeared and was replaced by a distant expression. However, his slight pause was misinterpreted by the others as some apprehension. 

Cynthia turned toward Apollo, noticing the slight change in his eyes. She understood to a certain extent what he was feeling. After all, it had been years since he stepped into this place. The only continued interaction being with a voice she wasn't privy to.

"Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need me to stay with you for a while?" Cynthia asked in a concerned tone. 

Apollo's distant look changed as he turned towards Cynthia and took in her current expression. Eventually, he shook his head and denied the fact, "I'm fine, Aunty. I'm just thinking about a few things. There's no need to worry yourself."