Raining On A Parade


Several moments before the fateful event, 

Outside of the Dark Ruin Labyrinth, there was a change in the countenance of Irauk. He continued with his earlier actions. However, the more he did so, the more he felt an aura that unsettled him. At first, he thought it was possible an intruder was involved, but that was promptly dismissed.

The spatial barrier surrounding the area prohibited even singular Grand Master level experts from penetrating it with ease. If they wished to do so, it required both time and the ability to avoid the senses of everyone present. As for preemptive measures, only during the selection trial was this space accessible. 

In other words, the Supreme Families were not the people who set up the barrier in the first place. Therefore, Irauk's mind fell to other things. First, the deeper his senses burrowed, the clearer the sensation of the aura became. It was familiar—it was Apollo. But, that wasn't entirely true.