Introduction to the Monarch's Tenebrosity


"Then I shall decline the option to do so for now. In the meantime, what do we do?" Apollo questioned while pondering the next step forward. Although he possessed a pact with Fuhrer, there was no way for him to use the ability of the system just yet. Thus, Fuhrer rubbed his chin for a moment.

"Well, if you're asking for my advice, you should become accustomed to the newfound power you have achieved. And, you should do so as soon as possible. The quicker it is done, the faster you can continue to grow. Not to mention, even I am unaware of just how my power has affected you. 

Be that as it may, while the other prompts subsided, one more appeared in their place. Furthermore, this information was directly related to something Fuhrer had mentioned to him not too long ago.