Ghastly Rumors Arise


Before evacuating the premises, Apollo turned towards Fuhrer and had him perform another service, "Make sure to erase all traces of evidence that links us to this murder. Since they are so big on evidence, if there isn't any, there won't be an issue," Apollo stated while moving aside to allow Fuhrer to act.

While standing above Reiner's corpse, Fuhrer held out his hand and absorbed the traces of demonic power left on Reiner's body. Although it was something foreign to this world, Apollo was sure that his power had been exposed before. Thus, there was a large chance of this matter being linked to him should it be discovered.

In a few short moments, Reiner's residence was void of any sign of their presence. Once this was complete, both Apollo and Fuhrer left. However, before leaving entirely, Apollo turned back and had a funny thought. He recalled the events that took place inside Geneva's headquarters.