Meanwhile, Apollo was fascinated the moment he entered the room. It shockingly possessed a lavish layout typically found in the possession of royalty. The room was outfitted with many display cases, which each held one treasure of glorious appeal.
However, after learning of the true hidden purpose, Apollo viewed them differently. 'An accurate depiction of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Appearing harmless while bearing poisonous fangs underneath, though I can't judge.'
Truth be told, there was a similarity between Apollo's earlier behavior and the tactics deployed by this realm. Apollo had once feigned weakness just to surprise his prey in the long run, but he didn't need to commit such acts of weakness anymore.
After becoming stronger, Apollo gradually veered away from the use of these tactics. For one, his current enemies weren't strong enough to warrant his use of those types of tactics. Brute force was all he needed for the moment.