A Household's Reappearance


The transformation of Azridan subsided as soon as Fuhrer instructed him to relinquish control. Instead, Apollo's consciousness reappeared with a perfect recollection of the conversation between Fuhrer and Azridan. As a result, there was no reason for Fuhrer to clue him in.

Apollo picked up from where they left off, "I take it I have permission to officiate a Household?"

"Indeed you do. However, let's revisit this once more. Are you sure you're willing to live in such a precarious situation? One wherein those same demons who betrayed and then ultimately killed Azridan will hunt you endlessly?" Fuhrer questioned once more.

Perhaps he felt Apollo didn't place enough importance on this matter, because if they managed to kill Azridan and accept the rite in his stead then that meant they'd officially arrived at a state located between a Noblesse and a Daemos. While weaker than a Daemos, they'd still be strong than a Noblesse.