"Roarrgh," Arleo released a bestial roar as a tinge of golden light permeated his crimson aura. However, in comparison to his crimson aura, the appearance of the golden hue was faint. Admittedly, the difference between his two attainments in Sins was great, or at least that's the impression his actions gave.
While it wasn't as exaggerated as he made it seem, the reason for the unequal proportions was due to Arleo's fears. After all, he had attempted to use both of his Sins simultaneously once before. But, the result was unsatisfactory, to say the least.
As Fuhrer revealed once before, using two Sins at once was dangerous without a sufficient medium. Especially when it came to two hyperactive Sins like Ira and Superbia. A combustion would occur if they slipped past the boundary that forbade them from coming in contact with one another.