Meaningful Talk, Unprecendent Action


Apollo understood that matters had already taken a turn for the worse the moment Asteroth lost control of his emotions and unleashed the full force of his terrifying Dominion. In fact, it wasn't long before the pain escalated into severe discomfort as more parts of Apollo's body suffered noticeable damage.

'Is this what Fuhrer warned me of? This is the extent of his blame? So much resentment,' Apollo thought to himself as he inevitably fell to one knee while losing all feeling in his right leg. His current situation involved the worst pain he had felt until now, seeing as he could no longer retain his composed demeanor.

Meanwhile, Asteroth took heavy steps forward, shaking the ground with each successive movement. With each step, Asteroth smashed the two warhammers together, creating a dangerous spark, which threatened to ignite his entire Dominion.