Following the creation of his colossal axe, Brukti turned towards the Three Heavens while performing a wide swing. The action kicked up another wild gust of decrepit winds that collided against their Essence Aegis. If not for their cultivation as Zul Saints, the shockwave alone would be enough to disrupt the technique; that's how powerful the aftershock of Brukti's actions was.
Soren sneered in response, lifting his lip in disgust as he brandished his spear with an unorthodox stance. An occasional ding resonated in the atmosphere because Soren's spearhead occasionally tapped against the ground. It seemed to be a harmless action at first, but the tapping mixed with the ambient Natural Essence before turning into a sound-based attack.
The ground targeted by this attack turned soft, making Brukti sink quickly as his immense physique was accompanied by substantial weight. It was only fitting that he plunged at an exponential rate.