"Uhh." I said absentmindedly as another rat slammed into my shield.. or was it a mole?... A dog?.. I don't know, nor do I really care to know . Only one thing was on my mind now, and it was making me feel like I'm in a swamp!
"IcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshieldsIcanonlyuseshields...." I kept mumbling incoherently. My whole adventure story that I've been dreaming of for YEARS, gone down the drain in minutes!!!! I was looking forward to when I'd swing my first beginners knife swing at an unsuspecting, or even an intensely active Kangarat. Praying for the day I'd get my first Boss Monster loot sword. Wishing for when I'd be able to find some nook or cranny that no one has ever found yet, to find all ends of cursed weapons! And yet... and yet....!
"Ugh." I said reflexively, still not there as another mob crashed into my shield again. I don't even know what kind of shield I've got! I just took up one, and started crying, then I just... moved! I spent most of the time reflecting on my actions. Looking for when I went crazy and thought it would be a good idea to cultivate the Shield Combat Mastery. I kept on scanning through my mind, almost on auto-pilot, trying to find were my laps in judgement started.
For now, my brain has given me a bunch of acceptable reasons, yet none of them were accepted by it! And now I'm in an infinite loop of finding the same excuses and rejecting them over and over again! and with only faint feeling of Deja Vu even hinting to me the spiral my brain is in!
Right now, we are at the 7th floor... or was it the 8th?... or maybe the 9th?... heck, did we even leave the 6th floor yet?
*incoherent sounds*
"Uh?" something sounding like Angus' voice came to to me, but it sounded strange. She should be right next to me, in hindsight, but it sounded like it was in another void... wait, what was I thinking about again?
Ah right, I can only use shields now.
'I only did it because I ran out of bones to make a dagger. Why did I want a dagger? Why didn't I just buy a sword with my supposed amount of money? Because crafted weapons have more stats. But then why did I not buy one? Wait, I think I asked myself this before. But wait, why did I want to make a dagger? Because I didn't have enough bones to make a sword. So then why did I make a shield? I only did it because I ran out of bones to make a dagger. Why did I....*add infintum*'
I think I'm going insane.
"Ack!!!" A voice blasted through the fog I was in! Funny, it sounds a lot like....
'Angus?! Angus!!! What was that?!! Is she hurt?!!!' I felt myself blast through the soupy fog I was in and I immediately looked around to find Angus...
All I saw was black!
"Nylon! Nylon!!! WAKE UP ALREADY YOU DUMB F******!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at my vegetable of a party member! He's been like this since the 5th floor, when I told him that I had a Class setting as well, I thought nothing by it, but then this little b****a*** nerd crumpled to the ground and started crying...
Freaking Crying!!!!!!
I didn't think much of this, thought he was having an existential crisis because an update happened he didn't already know would happen months in advance (I don't know what goes through a nerd's f***** up mind scape ok!), but then he kept it up when we started fighting on the 6th floor!
He was just going through the motions, but he kept me alive, more or less, so I thought he was just being a b****, but then came the 7th floor! He acted the exact same way, not even fazed by the significant decrease in light! In the sixth floor, we were fighting some Minto Rats () and he didn't even freaking shift to move when the pills they s*** started melting and a white coloured mist came up, he just plodded on!!! By seventh floor, more variety was present as Cavern Hounds entered the mix (). But that still didn't get him to move different!
By the 8th floor, I was moving from pissed to wor... slightly worried! The place got so dark, I had to get a torch and light it to keep going! I didn't have the Improvisation Mastery, nor did I have any way to light it, as I had no Essence skills, much unlike this f*** wad of a nerd, so I had to resort to scrounging the whole 7th f****** floor for anything like a torch, then, after 10 minutes of back tracking, found one, and with no way to light it, I had to leave it in a bunch of died Minto Rat clouds until a Burn effect was chosen! My Iq increased by 20+ with that maneuver, but I raged for a solid minute before continuing to worry - slightly - over Nylon after no reaction in any of that time! I had to kill over 30. Freaking. Rats. ALONE just to get the thing lit, and even more fighting to find the damned Torch! I'm not even going to count the amount of flipping Cavern Hounds that I had to fight during that!!!
Now, we are at the entrance to the 10th floor, and I've moved from... yeah, to just plain angry!!! I was beyond done with this bulls*** by now, and we were out of ready to use s*** from the 7th floor, so I'd be screwed if I walked in with this damned cabbage!
"Nylon!!!!!!!! Nylon you dumb f****** brat, wake the f******* h*** up f*** damn it!!!" I shouted at him, practically wailing on him at this point!, There was some loading sign thing on the door way, and I don't want to know what's going to come through there before this idiot tells me it first!
"Nylon you damned fricktick p****! We don't have time for this!!!!" I shouted at him, rocking him back and forth so violently, I had to stop soon because he was taking damage from Whiplash!
'F*** you Nyl..'
*CRASH!!!* *THUD!*
"Ack!!!" I shouted in surprise as something at the entrance shattered and an object shot out and slammed into me! It happened so fast, I could only scream as my body got stunned by shock! Whatever hit into me, smelled strongly of something familiar that sent my mind into array!
'Chloroform!' Was the only word that flashed through my mind as the world started spinning! the Torch hit the ground and went out, but not before showing a wide eyed Nylon.
Then I went out!