47***Forget Me Not


I laughed away without reprieve…

"Hehehe, Hahaha…"

I couldn't control myself. My body was actively out of my conscious mind's control. The funny thing about it though, is that I didn't really feel any different...!

It's hard to describe, but I don't feel like my world has crumbled apart or anything like that. I was still thinking like a did before I started laughing, like I got up and just laughed for absolutely no reason.

And the torrents just kept on coming, like a broken damn. But the thing about this damn is, instead of simply breaking, it almost felt like it just disappeared from right under my feet from quite some time ago, and the water just stood there suspended until I realised that the damn wasn't there…?

Honestly, the most baffling thing about all of this is that I have literally zero idea where all of this was coming from! Even this feeling, it's like I just realised I wasn't walking on a ground, but instead thin air, and I just��. forgot about it!!!

'I'm not making any sense. How can I forget about something as obvious as walking… on… air – wait a minute!' I thought to myself, giving me pause that such an abstract thing felt so… relatable

'Forgetting about something obvious… Why does that feel so much like déjà vu?!!'

So, instead of trying to block of a damn that had no stopper to begin with, I took my minds eye, and while ignoring a very scary-looking Angus and a very passive Eleora, I looked through my memories.

Drowning out the unnerving sound of me going insane, I looked through all the events and thoughts I had this entire few days and I started finding inconsistences! Throughout the whole time, my mind fought against me, though not in an exactly aggressive way. It was a more passive approach, like a suggestion to my subconscious about what to do, yet it was one of which I felt an almost instinctual urge to follow. The pull was also simultaneously trying to drag my memories from me, again not in an aggressive, deleting way, but more like when you walk to do something but then walk through a door and forget what it is you were going to do.

Had the pulls been stronger, or my mind been a bit more occupied, I would have stopped my search then and there and probably not even feel strange, but I relinquished control of my body functions and the pull was not that effective, so I pushed on through the slights. The 'Force' - as I'll call it for now – seemed to change its angle, and instead amplified my… "attention problem" *ahem*… but I already had a way of dealing with that.

'Keep focused. Look for anywhere a path back to my thoughts are. Ah, that time when we had Tempura when I was seven! Kind of reminds me of that one time when I had to kill a shrimp monster for a shrimp pie in Far Away! Ah, Far Away…! I really missed it! My favourite part of that game was when I had to do that mission to make penguins fly! Miss Pigwithwings was really mean that time. Though she did look like Dokan in Mark Lock when she's like that though. Hehe. Speaking of Mark Lock, I still thing Sary would have fit better in Bullet than in Mark Lock. And Frafnier from Gun X would do better in Coffeland. Then again Handre wouldn't have a chance against him for the Coffee Cup, so that would be bad. I like him more. Coffee Cup, Coffee Cup…. Hehe, sounds like Krof McGuff when you think about it….' And so on, so forth until I find back my first train of thought.

One would think that that would make me take eternity, but when my head gets clouded like that, I usually grab the closest memories to what I was first thinking of much easier… you just gotta do what you gotta do, I guess…

Just like that, I spun myself in circles getting my thoughts in a line but when I finally did, ALL the pieces started falling into place!!!

'Come on, Almost there!!!'


Just as the final assembly of all my jumbled thoughts was about to become a neatly organised bulk I could put into words, I felt shaking… Magnitude 8 level shaking.

I suddenly opened my eyes to see the cave we flew into. We were finally out from cut-stone walls and paved floors and we're back to stalagmites and stalactites, drippy roofs, and bats….


"Bats! Incoming!!!" I shouted as fast as possible! The room shook in a high-pitched ring as three Howlers came blasting in with Howls!

Howler lvl22

Howler lvl22

Howler lvl22

I got out one of my heaviest shields, a Large Square Shield, and parried the attacks as fast as I could! A grimace found its way onto my face as I registered just how easily that was, which reminded me that I'm now a Shield Martial Artist now…

Damn that update!!!!

Angus had her remaining Carapace Daggers out and into one of the Howlers within a breath! She took really well to the breathing technique I gave her, I see.

She scoffed at me and was out and continuing the fight before I realised, I had a smug look on my face! I quickly rubbed it off and dug through my bag for something to write with!

Eleora just stood there, slightly wide-eyed as Angus handled the mobs while I filed through my things! The poor girl must be all levels of confusion right now, but we don't have the time!

My search turned up for naught, and by the time Angus was done, I was sitting down on the floor and rocking my head for an alternative!

"What is he…." Eleora started, but Angus answered the unasked question for her.

"Don't think about it. He's probably thinking about how many Pokémon Cards he has or something." She stated with a shrug.

Oi I can still hear you! Also, Pokémon Cards still exist?!! Wait, no time!!!

At that point I remembered about the bug report sheet that most games should have and looked into Settings.

As I expected, it was there!

I opened it on sight and wrote like mad what I could get from the storm I was in! There was only one thing I could properly actualize though, and no matter how I scratched my head, I couldn't get anything else. One thing was for sure though… We need to get out of here!

"Are you finally going to talk now?" Angus stated, bringing my attention back to my party.

"Guys, you are not going to believe this."