67***Treasure (Part 1)



Dungeon Cleared!

Exp. Obtained: 500

"Hah!!!" I sighed out in relief as we finished one of the only 3 dungeons Area4 has available.


A thud sounded off beside me as Angus collapsed in a heap at the exit.

"Never... again..." She managed to mangle out of her throat before falling into a small spasm fit.

"*pant* *pant* Come on. W need to go again." I wheezed out as I tried to get up.

"W-what?!!! Again! We already went through there 20 times this afternoon! Can we just take a break?!!!" She cried out before immediately regretting it as Fatigue pains raked her body over and she feel into another spasm fit!

"No can do! You need to get strong fast. The best way to do that is to clear all the dungeons here within 5 minutes." I reminded her.