Chapter 5

"so..." Mia started

"did you believe anythin-"


"you gonna try to do the sacri-"


Mia sighed as she just kept looking at you. Both Mia and you had left the cottage and the same way they came was the same way they left; since what they had come for was discovered they arrived back at the place they were before meeting Kiki.

At your apartment~~

"Rita do you really want to die lonely"

"Did you even hear your aunt she just said I should kill my so called fated partner that is, even if I ever do find him! So tell me Mia what difference does it make huh!! I'm still going to end up lonely after doing such" you blew a fuse as you could feel your eyes getting teary and you hated that, you hated tears to the brim because you believed its a sign for the weak and you didn't want to seem weak. Not now.

"Rita..." Mia stared with so much concern

"I just want to rest now ok? My head hurts" You tried to escape this topic

"mk, Do you need me to get anything?" Mia asked as you shook your head

"I'll be right here ok?, I ain't leaving your side" You smiled at Mia's words as you went to your room to sleep.

You woke up and checked the time and it was already 9:30pm. you got off your bed as a yawn left your lips

"Mia!" You headed to your kitchen to grab something to eat

"MiiiaaA-" something like a sticky note was plastered on your fridge as you took it and read:

My dearest Rita,

You know I love you right???.

Soooooo... something came up and I know I said

and I know I said I'll be by your side and all but I swear I'm so sorry and my boss at work called and said I needed to finish some things and I had to go cause I don't want to get fired and shii I'm sorry I swear I really am and you can beat me when I come back but juss know I love you...

PS: I promise to buy your favorite snacks when next I come


Your bestie....



You smiled as you finished reading the letter... You weren't mad at her, not at all cause you knew how stressful her job was, being the personal assistant to the CEO of the company at which she works at. It isn't something to slack on. You could almost feel her pain. Almost.

"welp at least I have food" you said as you opened your fridge to get the greatest heart attack of you life... Your fridge was empty

"hello? pls can I get a Chicken supreme pizza, Large with a 1litre sprite...Mhm....Ok...thanks" you were in the comforts of your couch as your stomach kept making some noises from time to time as you waited for your delivery.

ɖɨռɢ ɖօռɢ!

"finally" You rushed to your door opening it and collecting your order and paying before shutting the door and heading back to your couch, already smelling the aroma from the food, as your mouth watered.

"mmmm~~" you moaned out as you ate your pizza feeling heavenly blessed but then your mind went over to the discussion you had earlier with Kiki

"pssh! fated partner she says.... you wish" you mumbled mockingly as you kept feeding your self junks.