Ch. 3


oh god...


I searched up my entire clothing if there are any left pictures of my senpai, I always put 2 pictures in each clothing and after I washed them..

I signed in relief when I found it... 2 beautiful pictures of my senpai, i put it on a safe place inside my new bedroom. I wish I brought my senpai shrine here....

*timeskip tomorrow*


wake up to the sound of the alarm on my DDD.. Somehow I forgot to bring my human phone if any other news came.. Meh who cares? As long as I have the pictures of my senpai with me I can live with it.

I quickly got up to prepare, after that I slid a single picture on the pockets of my new uniform which is kinda weird alot.. So many buttons.. I prefer the one back at home. After I finished my tie and mammon barged into the room..

"Oi human hurry up its breakfast time!"

"Okay and you could atleast knock first. What if I didn't wear the uniform and stayed on my undergarments?" I asked without any emotions at all. This made mammon blush, I still don't know why.... All I know is that I told him the truth.


L-lets g-go already!"

He then grabbed my arm, before we could walk out I got my bag with me... We arrived at the dining room and mammon is STILL holding my  hand which is irritating me.. So this is how senpai feels when he's around his tsundere childhood friend.

Asmo: Oh my what's this~? Mammon why are you holding hands with Y/N~?

Satan: Why did you allow him to?

You: He did it himself.

Lucifer: And you didn't resist?

You: He just did it in a blink of an eye.

Beelzebub: That explains everything...

I sat down and .. Wait so this is devildom food? Roasted Bats and... Cockroaches? I looked around the table and finally found a human-like dish... I grabbed 2 slices of it and started eating. Normally i would wake up late and only have toast for breakfast but having a square-meal during schooldays at mornings is very rare..

*Timeskip to R.A.D bc author-chan is lazy~*

We arrived at RAD and I mammon decided to seperate with me having no care in the world about what would Lucifer do to him... Even so I could protect myself, the L/N family members are mostly yandere's and emotionless and even the doll eyes and aura can give negative feelings so I'll use it.

I roam around R.A.D with my doll (emotionless) eyes and the aura... As always demons gossip behind my back.. I turned around eye contacting them.. I've been into the occult club a Thousand time due to reasons and know that demons can manipulate humans by looking a their eyes. For me is the opposite since my family has the resistance to these....

The demons freaked out and ran for their lives of course the other's couldn't care less.. I went inside my new classroom and decided to find a empty seat.. I found one but it's crowded with a bunch of guys wearing white... And the other which is like mammon's twin..

I walked up to them "Hello, can I take this Empty seat here?" I asked with no emotions at all.

"Oh my you must the other human exchange student! Pardon me for being rude, my name's Simeon and this cutie right here is Luke"

"H-hey I'm not cute! Remember I'm an Adult too! And we are both Angel's. It's nice meeting you"

"My name's Solomon, it's an honor to be your acquaintance."

I nodded in response and put my bag at the empty seat.

"I see you guys have meet Y/N"

I looked and the voice belongs to Diavolo and Another guy beside him which looks like Sebastian from Black Butler...

Diavolo: y/n meet barbatos, he's my Butler.

Barbatos: pleased to be your acquaintance.

I nodded in response, of course it's almost like a party in here.. So those guys are angels... Wait I haven't gotten Solomon's Last Name yet, I went over to him..

You: Hey solomon...

Solomon: Yes?

You: Um what's your last name?

Solomon: Saikou..

Wait.. Saikou!? For real!?

"Oh okay thanks for telling me" I replied and then walked out of the crowded area..

*Flashback  a few months ago*

I walked downstairs only to find it quiet, while I looked around I found a note with a box with it. I head over to see what it wrote:

Dear Daughter,

Me and your Father will be gone for a while because of some business we have to attend. I'm afraid we will take much time so I left you some money in the box beside this note..

I know that you can take care of yourself while we are gone... And don't enter the basement, you're not ready yet. Also beware of the 'Saikou' family.

Once you encounter some members of their family never truly reveal what you really are but if they know your last name and doesn't know our family's history , act with all your might.

I'm sorry if I don't have time to explain why but please just be aware of them, this is just for you and your family's safety. I hope you will have great time and find some boy who will love you truly.


Mom and Dad

*Flashback Ends*

I have to keep my guard around Solomon.. Wait what if he knows my last name and family history.. Or he doesn't know my last name yet..As what mother says, I have to act infront of the members in their family for me and my family's safety.

I took out the picture of my senpai in my pockets... Since my current rival is on a coma I have nothing to worry about... You're safe.. . My precious senpai...