Ch. 8

A/N: Guys short note that I'm in lesson 14+ and I can't remember the storyline at the past lessons. So I'll come up with scenarios of how the remaining brothers  made pacts with Y/N (the ones I forgot, pls get what I mean).

Third POV

Mammon knew that those humans are sticking to each other now so he'll find them quickly, two birds in one stone. 5 minutes passed he didn't find them at the crowded areas in RAD, his last goal is to go to the isolated area. To his suprise when he was walking he found the two chatting.

Mammon: Where were you two?

You: Oh mammon, we just had to find a very private place to discuss something personal.

Mammon: The Council Meeting at Lunchtime is starting and Lucifer ordered me to pick you two up.

Solomon: Okay let's go Y/N.


That was close... If we didn't end the call with info-chan sooner our secrets would be exposed. While walking back to the council room on the way, me and Solomon looked at each other and sighed in relief.

Diavolo: There you are.. Solomon and Y/N. We couldn't start without our 2 human exchange students being absent.

Lucifer: I'm glad she's fine without mammon around those lower-level demons, great job Solomon.

Solomon: It was nothing, i'd be glad to be Y/N's bodyguard if I can.

Diavolo: Well that's cute, you two go seat at the vacant ones behind there.

The two of us sat beside across each other and Diavolo started the meeting..

~At Akademi High~

"It's been almost a week and Y/N and those other girls aren't found yet"

"I always thought Yan-chan (y/n) was responsible for the disappearances because of her being distant towards us but now she's part of the victims"

"I agree, who could be the person responsible of all this?"

"The missing students are probably dead or some just being held hostage"

The students gossips in the hallways, it was early in the morning and everyone can still do things before the first period. Y/LS decided to help the photography club on finding the person responsible of the missing students. The faculty members would now have a meeting in the headmaster's office about the recent disappearances.

Needless to say the meeting didn't began yet because of the teachers grading papers. The Headmaster wouldn't have thought that Y/N would be part of the Victims. He thought that Y/N was the one responsible for all of this, perhaps History didn't repeat itself... Or maybe she just left the town without letting everyone know.

"Sir... The teachers have arrived... Should we start the meeting?"

The headmaster nodded and let the teachers explain their theory of who the culprit could be. Kocho, the headmaster started to pity Y/N now instead of seeing her as a violent creature to only exist for a purpose. He decides to enter his own theory of Y/N being different by the rest of her family.

The bullies are now seperated in groups to roam the interior and exterior of the school for any evidences of who the culprit could be. The delinquents, instead of chatting outside the incinerator they guard the incinerator thinking that the culprit might visit their with a dead body on their hands.

~with you and the others~


And that's all, the student council meeting is dissolved"

Diavolo said and everyone decides to seperate ways. Levi then went to mammon to finish their argument last early in the morning, Asmo said he had an appointment with a succubus so as Lucifer being with Diavolo and the others stayed in the room.

Solomon: Hey Y/N, where do you wanna head off for lunch?

You: So as you.

Solomon: Well it'll be great to go back to that place it's less crowded and peaceful.

You: Let's head there and have lunch.

Solomon nodded and we walked, since we found a quiet route going to the isolated place we decided to use it to not get anymore attention. Safely arriving to the place he sat a the tree branch belonging to a century old tree which the branch is almost reaching the ground. I took out my bento box and Solomon as well.

You: What's your Lunch?

Solomon: Luke made it for me, these are Celestial Cakes and Angel Fruits.

You: Wow, it must taste 'heavenly' when you take a bite of those.

Knowing well of the joke I made, both of us giggled.

Solomon: Yours?

You: I managed to ask Barbatos to get me some human world ingredients, this is Mozzarella corn dog and Yakitori.

~Timeskip after school~

Third POV

Info-chan: So basically you'll be staying there for an entire year?

You: I'll be dealing them for 365 days.

Info-chan: Why didn't you resist then?

You: I eventually got here without my consent by sucking me into a portal out of nowhere.

Info-chan: Makes sense, anyhow some girl just tried to make moves on your beloved.

You: What!? Who!?

Info-chan: Don't get insane yet, this girl is Kokona Haruka.

You: You mean Kizana's Twin aka Boobs McKenzie? Like they aren't really twins but- please get what I mean.

Info-chan: I know, I know.. But I manage to get her into blackmail and now she doesn't go to your beloved now.

You: Thanks info! Oh well gottago, bye!

"Goodbye" She said while Y/N hung up and left the isolated place. Little did she know a certain someone herd their conversation and decided to keep what he heard to himself.


Oop yeah I made a cliffhanger :^> Can anyone guess? It will be revealed at the end of this story.