Chapter 23 - The Wrong Room

Mumut climbed the stairs as she endured her sleepiness. Several times, she covered her mouth due to yawning. Arriving at the top floor, Mumut found two rooms side by side. Mumut tried to remember what Aunt Atik had said earlier but still couldn't remember which room was hers. Mumut was about to open the door on the right, but she hesitated. Finally, she moved towards the left door. Mumut held the door handle and turned it slowly. The door handle turned. Slowly Mumut pushed the door and entered the room because she was sure that it was the room that Auntie Atik had prepared for her.

Mumut ignored the masculine interior. She just wanted to take a shower and then sleep. Mumut went to the wardrobe and looked for her nightgown. Mumut frowned when she couldn't find her clothes. She saw men's clothes there. After being dazed for a long time, finally, Mumut realized that she had entered the wrong room. Mumut was about to move from where she was standing when the bathroom door opened.

Bian came out of the bathroom, using only a towel wrapped around his waist. His naked upper abdomen showed his good and sexy body. Bian was surprised to find Mumut in his room. She almost screamed, but he immediately covered her mouth with his right hand while his left hand hugged Mumut's waist. Their bodies were so close that the fresh scent of the soap that Bian used filled the room. Mumut felt her heartbeat fast, then Bian saw Mumut's face was bright red. Mumut was never so close to any men, and because of that, she trembled.

"Can't wait for our first night?" Bian whispered in her ear, teasing her.

Mumut immediately released herself from Bian's hand and pushed the man's body before running to the next room.

"Sorry, wrong room," she said as she closed the door.

Bian chuckled as he watched Mumut leave. It was the first time Bian saw a girl who was not crazy about him. So far, even though he was dating Ristie, many women had tried to get his attention.

In the next room, Mumut sat on the edge of her bed, clutching her chest to calm her heart. Mumut realized that she and Bian come from two different worlds.

She was just a poor girl trying to achieve her dreams, while Bian was the big boss of several companies. In terms of relationship, it was clear that there were many differences. Bian was used to showing his affection for Ristie in front of other people, while Mumut always kept herself untouched by men who were not her mahram, even though she couldn't refuse Bian to hold her hand.

This marriage for Mumut was just a dream, and she didn't want to feel complacent because she would wake up from her dream one day.

Mumut opened the wardrobe and found some of her clothes. She took the nightgown and brought it to the bathroom.

