Chapter 37 - Mumut's Husband


Mumut's Husband

The news about Mumut's marriage soon became the talk among employees. They could predict that the one who spread the rumors was Yeni. They questioned the identity of Mumut's husband because Mumut didn't want to talk about it. Yeni thought that Mumut's husband was an old, fat, and ugly person, but rich. That was why Mumut didn't want to expose him. She shared her opinion with other employees. Many employees didn't oppose Yeni's idea, and they were curious about Mumut's husband.

"Yes, her husband must be old and ugly, so Mumut doesn't want us to know who her husband is."

"She must be embarrassed ..."

"Yes, if he were young and cute, she won't hide it.'"

"Uh, but he's rich!"

"Yes, Yeni said that Mumut's laptop now was an apple brand, and her cell phone is a famous brand, like Ms. Padma's and Ms. Yunia's."

(Yunia was a highly effective marketing manager, around thirty-five years old, and currently expecting her second child.)

"Surely Mumut agreed to marry him because he's rich, right?"

"Usually, whenever she needed to do her assignment, she would borrow my computer on my desk after working hours," said another staff member.

"She's so fortunate to have a rich husband. Even though he's old and ugly, she can enjoy a luxurious life."

The conversation continued and became even hotter in each office.

Mumut didn't say anything when the gossip reached her. She didn't need to give any confirmation because it didn't matter. She didn't want the employees to know that her husband was this company's CEO.

Mumut's cell phone vibrated. It was a call from Bian. Mumut immediately accepted it.

"Assalamu'alaikum, hello, darling." Mumut's cheeks warm as she said the last word.

"Waalaikumsalam, would you like to consult your lecturer? What time?" asked Bian attentively.

"About four o'clock."

"Uncle Arya will drive you. I would still be in a meeting at that time."

"I just took an online taxi so that I won't trouble anyone."

"No. Uncle Arya will drive you!" Bian's firm voice made her both surprised and happy for Bian's attention.

"Has it been printed?"

"Not yet ... I just finished correcting it."

Mumut turned to Harti. Before she could tell Harti that she was going to Bian's office, the phone in the room rang. Harti immediately took it.

"Yes, sir. Yes, alright. I'll send Mumut over immediately." Harti's voice sounded a little nervous, then she looked at Mumut, "This is bad, Mut! Mr. CEO called you. He said his room was still dirty, you ordered to go there immediately!"

"What?" Mumut lowered her head to hide her smile. That must be Bian's trick to meet her.

"All right, I'll go there," she said after she could hold her smile.

Mumut immediately took her flash disk and went to Bian's room.

"What's wrong, Mut?" asked the CEO's secretary as she passed.

Mumut was surprised. She looked at the girl nervously.

"Uh, Mr. CEO told me that his room is still dirty. I will clean it again."

The woman frowned. As far as she could remember, Bian's office was clean as usual because she had just come out of the room to hand over the documents to be signed, then she thought there might be a dirty part. She didn't know about it. She smiled as Mumut entered Bian's room, who smiled back at the girl.

Bian immediately greeted Mumut with a warm smile. Mumut sat on the chair in front of Bian's table. Her cheeks flushed, remembering she sat in this chair a week ago, begging Bian to help her. She must have looked miserable at the time, but it led her to become the owner of the man sitting opposite her.

Bian asked her to come closer and ask for Mumut's flash disk.

Mumut approached him and gave the flash disk to Bian.

Bian pulled Mumut to his lap then hugged Mumut with his left hand while the other hand-operated his laptop. Mumut felt so embarrassed. She was afraid that someone would catch them.

Mumut just realized that there was a printer on the table. Usually, this table was clean; the printer wasn't even there this morning.

Bian immediately lowered his face and kissed his wife's lips, which surprised her. Her eyes widened, but then she was swept away by Bian's kiss. There was only the sound of the printer printing and the sound of them breathing.

"Shit! I forgot you're married." A voice startled them. Mumut immediately stepped away from Bian, but the man held her back when they knew who was coming.

Randy smiled at the sight. A man in a full suit was hugging, and kissing a woman in a janitor's uniform. Those who didn't know that they were a married couple would think that the CEO was harassing her or that a lowly employee was seducing her boss.

"What's wrong?" asked Bian expressionless.

Randy smiled at Mumut, which made her even more embarrassed.

"Oh, I want to report to you, Boss. Mumut's mother can go home. I have settled the administration, but she doesn't want to go to your house. She wants to go back to her rented house." Randy said, smiling teasingly at Mumut.

Bian was silent for a moment, then instructed Randy something.

The printer engine stopped printing, and the office became silent. Mumut stood up from Bian's lap, collected the printed paper, and put it on a folder. Afterward, she said goodbye to Bian and Randy. Bian held her and then stood up to kiss her forehead before allowing her to leave the office.

Randy was bemused.

